EECS282 Advanced Topics in Machine Learning (Fall semester 2010)
Miguel Á. Carreira-Perpiñán
Associate professor
Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
School of Engineering
University of California, Merced
mcarreira-perpinan-[at]; 209-2284545
Office: 284, Science & Engineering Building
Office hours: by appointment (call or email, including [EECS282] in the subject).
Lectures: Tuesdays/Thursdays 10:30-11:45am (Classroom Building 274)
Lab class: Mondays 10am-12:50pm (Linux Lab, SE138)
Course web page:
Course description
The course reviews advanced topics in machine learning. Machine learning is the study of models and algorithms that learn information from data. Machine learning ideas underlie many algorithms in computer vision, speech processing, bioinformatics, robotics, computer graphics and other areas. The 2010 edition of the course will focus on dimensionality reduction and manifold learning and extend the contents of the 2008 edition.
Prerequisites: the course is intended for graduate students who have taken an introductory course in machine learning (such as EECS276).
There is no required textbook. Selected readings will appear in this web page in due course. The following are two reviews of dimensionality reduction and manifold learning techniques:
- M. Á. Carreira-Perpiñán (2001): Continuous latent variable models for dimensionality reduction and sequential data reconstruction. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield, UK.
- Chapter 2: The continuous latent variable modelling formalism.
This contains a review of continuous latent variable models: probabilistic principal component analysis (PCA), factor analysis, the generative topographic mapping (GTM), independent component analysis (ICA), mixtures of latent variable models, etc. It also deals with issues such as parameter estimation, identifiability, interpretability, visualisation, and dimensionality reduction with continuous latent variable models.
- Chapter 4: Dimensionality reduction.
This contains a review of dimensionality reduction with nonprobabilistic methods (probabilistic methods, i.e., latent variable models, are reviewed in chapter 2): nonlinear autoassociators, kernel PCA, principal curves, vector quantisation, multidimensional scaling, Isomap, LLE, etc. It also reviews issues such as the curse of dimensionality and the intrinsic dimensionality.
- L. K. Saul, K. Q. Weinberger, J. H. Ham, F. Sha and D. D. Lee (2006): "Spectral methods for dimensionality reduction", In Semi-Supervised Learning (O. Chapelle, B. Schölkopf and A. Zien, eds.), MIT Press, pp. 293-308.
Other books on general machine learning:
- Christopher M. Bishop: Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning. Springer, 2006.
- David J. C. MacKay: Information Theory, Inference and Learning Algorithms. Cambridge University Press, 2003.
- Bernhard Schölkopf and Alexander J. Smola: Learning with Kernels. MIT Press, 2001.
- Trevor J. Hastie, Robert J. Tibshirani and Jerome H. Friedman: The Elements of Statistical Learning. Springer, 2001.
- Richard O. Duda, Peter E. Hart and David G. Stork: Pattern Classification, second ed. Wiley, 2001.
- Aapo Hyvärinen, Juha Karhunen and Erkki Oja: Independent Component Analysis. Wiley, 2001.
- Nonlinear methods based on pairwise distances (Oct. 7):
- Manifold denoising (Oct. 19):
- Missing data (Oct. 21):
Special paper: Chernoff: "The use of faces to represent points in k-dimensional space graphically". JASA, 1973. Code.
- Manifold learning in speech processing (Nov. 1):
- Canonical correlation analysis (CCA), homogeneity analysis (Nov. 4):
- Other methods (Nov. 17):
- Carreira-Perpiñán and Lu: "Parametric Dimensionality Reduction by Unsupervised Regression". CVPR, 2010. Code.
- Mordohai and Medioni: "Dimensionality estimation, manifold learning and function approximation using tensor voting". JMLR, 2010. Code.
- Yu et al: "Nonlinear learning using local coordinate coding". NIPS, 2010.
Yu and Zhang: "Improved local coordinate coding using local tangents". ICML, 2010.
- Freund et al: "Learning the structure of manifolds using random projections". NIPS, 2008. Code.
Longer version: Dasgupta and Freund: "Random projection trees for vector quantization". IEEE Trans. IT, 2009.
- Ailon and Chazelle: "Faster dimension reduction". CACM, 2010. Perspective.
- Li: "Sliced inverse regression for dimension reduction". JASA, 1991. Code.
Kim and Pavlovic: "Dimensionality reduction using covariance operator inverse regression". CVPR, 2008.
- Sparse PCA (Nov. 24):
- Estimation of the intrinsic dimensionality (Nov. 30):
Dimensionality reduction and manifold learning links
- Matrix identities (handy formulas for matrix derivatives, inverses, etc.):
Matlab tutorials
If you have never used Matlab, there are many online tutorials, for example:
Other links
Miguel A. Carreira-Perpinan
Last modified: Sat Oct 1 21:23:21 PDT 2011
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