Our research focus is application of multi-scale simulations and measurements to understand fundamental mechanisms underlying tribological phenomena. Current areas of active research include:
- Solid and liquid lubricants
- Tribochemistry
- Nanoscale contact and sliding
Our latest news is always posted on LinkedIn, so please follow our Martini Research Group

Ashlie Martini
Monya Lane and Robert Bryant Presidential Chair in Excellence in Engineering
Professor and Chair of Mechanical Engineering
University of California Merced
Office: Sustainability Research & Engineering, Rm 319
Phone: 209-228-2354
E-mail: amartini(at)

Fellow, American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)
Fellow, Society of Tribologists & Lubrication Engineers (STLE)
Editor, Tribology Letters
Associate Editor, Tribology Transactions
Editorial Board Member, Tribology International
Editorial Board Member, Computational Materials Science
Editorial Board Member, Lubricants
PhD, Mechanical Engineering, 2007
Northwestern University
BS, Mechanical Engineering, 1998
Northwestern University