Abeyta, Aaron A. Ancestor of Fire. Fruita, CO: Lithic Press, 2022.
Viola, Joshua, Mario Acevedo, and Nicholas Karpuk. The Bane of Yoto. Erie, CO: Hex Publishers, 2022.
Acosta, Marta. Howl Like the Wind. N.p: No press, 2022.
Aldama, Frederick Luis. Con papá / With Papá. Columbus, OH: Mad Creek, 2022.
Álvarez, Steven. Mctlán. McAllen, TX: FlowerSong Press, 2022.
Amezcua, Eloísa. Fighting Is Like a Wife. Minneapolis: Coffee House Press, 2022.
Amparán, Aldo. Brother Sleep. Farmington, ME: Alice James Books, 2022.
Anaya, Rudolfo A. Bless Me, Ultima. 1972. New York: Penguin, 2022.
Anaya, Rudolfo A. Bless Me, Ultima. Tortuga. Alburquerque. 1972. Library of America, 2022.
Anzaldúa, Gloria E. Borderlands / La frontera: The New Mestiza. 1987. San Francisco: Aunt Lute Books, 2022.
Anzaldúa, Gloria E. Terre di confine / La frontera: La nuova mestiza [Borderlands / La frontera: The New Mestiza]. 1987. Firenze: Edizioni Black Coffee, 2022.
Anzaldúa, Gloria E. Terres frontalières / La frontera: La nouvelle mestiza [Borderlands / La frontera: The New Mestiza]. 1987. Paris: Éditions Cambourakis, 2022.
Aparicio-Chamberlin, Vibiana. Chicana on Fire. No press, 2022.
Araguz, José Ángel. Rotura. New York: Black Lawrence Press, 2022.
Argüelles, Ivan. Immobility. Columbus, OH: Luna Bisonte Prods., 2022.
Argüelles, Ivan. The Translation to Heaven and Related Poems. Columbus, OH: Luna Bisonte Prods., 2022.
Baca, Jimmy Santiago. The Misfits. Houston: Arte Público Press, 2022.
Baca, Manuel Cabeza de. Vicente Silva and His Forty Bandits, His Crimes and Retributions [Historia de Vicente Silva, sus cuarenta bandidos, sus crímenes y retribuciones]. 1896. Santa Fe, NM: Sunstone Press, 2022.
Blea, Irene I. Erené with Wolf Medicine. N.p.: Prickly Pear Press, 2016.
Bowles, David. They Call Her Fregona: A Border Kid's Poems. New York: Kokila, 2022.
Burciaga, José Antonio. The Last Supper of Chicano Heroes. 2008. Tucson: University of Arizona Press, 2022.
Camps, Martín. Crónica del incendio de los días. Mexicali: CETYS, 2022.
Camps, Martín. Sellos en la memoria: Crónicas de viajes. México: Ediciones y Gráficos Eón, 2022.
Cañas, Isabel. The Hacienda. New York: Berkley, 2022.
Cañas, Isabel. Donde termina la noche [The Hacienda]. Ediciones B, 2022.
Cañas, Isabel. La hacienda [The Hacienda]. Ediciones B, 2022.
Caraza, Xánath. Red Teardrop / Kókkivo δακρυ. Chicago: Pandora Lobo Estepario Productions, 2022.
Caraza, Xánath. La mariposa de Jackeline / Jackeline's Butterfly. McAllen, TX: FlowerSong Press, 2022.
Cardona, Jacinto Jesús. Amapola Song. N.p.: Plancha Press, 2022.
Castañeda, Debra. The Devil´s Shallows. N.p.: No press, 2022.
Castañeda, Debra. The Root Witch. N.p.: No press, 2022.
Castro, V. Aliens. Vásquez. Titan Books, 2022.
Castro, V. Mestiza Blood. London: Flame Tree Press, 2022.
Castro, V. Out of Aztlan. Brooklyn, NY: Creature Publishing, 2022.
Charlton-Trujillo, E. E. Lupe López: Rock Star Rules! Somerville, CA: Candlewick Press, 2022.
Charlton-Trujillo, E. E. Lupe López: ¡Reglas de una estrella de rock! Somerville, CA: Candlewick Press, 2022.
Cisneros, Sandra. La casa en Mango Street [The House on Mango Street]. 1983. Vintage Contemporaries, 2022.
Cisneros, Sandra. Woman Without Shame. New York: Knopf, 2022.
Cisneros, Sandra. Mujer sin vergüenza [Woman Without Shame]. New York: Vintage en español, 2022.
Cumpián, Carlos. Human Cicada. Santa Fe, NM: Prickly Pear Press, 2022.
De Anda, Diane. 21 Primos N.p.: Star Bright Books, 2022.
De Anda, Iris. Roots of Redemption. McAllen, TX: FlowerSong Press, 2022.
De la Peña, Matt. [Last Stop on Market Street]. 2015. [China], 2022.
De la Peña, Matt. Milo immagina il mondo [Milo Imagines the World]. 2021. [Italian edition]: Ape, 2022.
De la Peña, Matt. Milo ser verden [Milo Imagines the World]. 2021. [Danish edition]: Gutkind, 2022.
De la Peña, Matt. Milo tekent de wereld [Milo Imagines the World]. 2021. [Dutch edition]: Querido, 2022.
De la Peña, Matt. Patchwork. New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons Books for Young Readers, 2022.
De la Peña, Matt. Mosaico [Patchwork]. Barcelona: Editorial Corimbo, 2022.
De la Peña, Matt. Retazos [Patchwork]. New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons Books for Young Readers, 2022.
Del Toro, Jesús. Variaciones de la creación. Granada: Ediciones Valparaíso, 2022.
Degollado, Rubén. The Family Izquierdo. New York: W. W. Norton, 2022.
Díaz, Lucky. Paletero Man / ¡Qué paletero tan Cool! HarperCollins, 2022.
Díaz, Tony. The Tip of the Pyramid: Cultivating Community Cultural Capital. University of New Orleans Press, 2022.
Dobbs, Alda P. The Other Side of the River. Naperville, IL: Sourcebooks for Young Readers, 2022.
Domínguez, Ángel. Desgraciado: The Collected Letters. New York: Nightboat Books, 2022.
Domínguez, Angela. How Do You Say? ¿Cómo se dice?. New York: Henry Holt, 2022.
Domínguez, Angela. I Am Hungry! ¡Tengo hambre!. New York: Henry Holt, 2022.
Domínguez, Angela. Stella Díaz to the Rescue. Roaring Brook Press, 2022.
Escamilla, Rachelle Linda. Imaginary Animal. 2015. Willow Books, 2022.
Escandón, María Amparo. L. A. Weather. 2005. New York: Flatiron, 2022.
Evans, Donald G., and Robin Metz, eds. Wherever I'm At: An Anthology of Chicago Poetry. After Hours Press/Third World Press, 2022.
Fajardo-Anstine, Kali. Woman of Light. New York: One World, 2022.
Fajardo-Anstine, Kali. Mujer de luz [Woman of Light]. New York: Vintage en español, 2022.
Fe, Sonya. Barrio Girl Goes to Europe and Other Stories. San José, CA: Chusma House, 2022.
Flores, Fernando A. Valleyesque. New York: MCD, 2022.
García, Jerry. Trumpets in the Sky. Whittier, CA: Moon Tide Press, 2022./font>
García, Margaret Elysia. Graft. Flagstaff, AZ: Tolsun Books, 2022.
Garza, Kimberly. The Last Karankawas. New York: Henry Holt & Co., 2022.
Gómez, Celeste Alyssa. Besos. La Poeta, 2022.
González, Rafael Jesús. Chalchiuixochitl / Flor de piedra verde / Flower of Jade. Nomadic Press, 2022.
González, Xochitl. Olga Dies Dreaming. New York: Flatiron Books, 2022.
Grande, Reyna. A Ballad of Love and Glory. New York: Atria Books, 2022.
Grande, Reyna. Corrido de amor y gloria [A Ballad of Love and Glory]. New York: HarperCollins, 2022.
Grande, Reyna. Corrido de amor y gloria [A Ballad of Love and Glory]. New York: HarperCollins, 2022.
Gutiérrez, Paola. I Don't Like Broccoli / No me gusta el brócoli. No press, 2022.
Gutiérrez y Muhs, Gabriella. ¿How Many Indians Can We Be? / ¿Cuántos indios podemos ser? McAllen, TX: FlowerSong Press, 2022.
Hernández, Jade. Learn To Love You. Aleera Anaya Ceres, 2022.
Hernández, Melanie. A Chicana's Lens. No press, 2022.
Hernández, Saúl. At Night My Body Waits. Kingston, WA: Two Sylvias Press, 2022.
Herrera, Juan Felipe. Akrílica. 1989. Blacksburg, VA: Noemi Press, 2022.
Herrera, Juan Felipe. Super Cilantro Girl / La superniña del cilantro. 2003. New York: Lee & Low, 2022.
Higuera, Donna Barba. La última cuentista [The Last Cuentista]. New York: Levine Querido, 2022.
Hinojosa, María. Once I Was You: Finding My Voice and Passing the Mic. New York: Simon & Schuster, 2022.
Huerta, Lizz. The Lost Dreamer. New York: Farrar Straus Giroux, 2022.
Kemp, Laekan Zea. An Appetite for Miracles. New York: Little Brown Books for Young Readers, 2022.
Kemp, Laekan Zea. Heartbreak Symphony. New York: Little Brown Books for Young Readers, 2022.
Kemp, Laekan Zea. Omega Morales and the Legend of La Lechuza. New York: Little Brown Books for Young Readers, 2022.
León, Jesse. I'm Not Broken. New York: Vintage, 2022.
León, Jesse. No estoy roto [I'm Not Broken]. New York: Vintage en español, 2022.
Limón, Ada. The Hurting Kind. New York: Milkweed Editions, 2022.
Longoria, Margarita, ed. Living Beyond Borders: Growing Up Mexican in America. New York: Viking Children's Books, 2022.
Longoria, Margarita, ed. Más allá de la frontera: Crecer como mexicano en Estados Unidos. New York: Viking Children's Books, 2022.
López, Angelina M. After Hours on Milagro Street. Harlequin, 2022.
Luna Sheryl. Magnificent Errors. Notre Dame, IN: University of Notre Dame Press, 2022.
Mancinas, Oscar. des_____ papeles, palabras, and poems from the desert. Tolsun Books, 2022.
Mantecón, Arturo. Before the Dark Comes: Poems by José Primitivo Charlevoix. Nomadic Press, 2022.
Mantecón, Arturo. El día más delicioso de mi vida. Prickly Pear Press, 2022.
Marcantonio, Patricia Santos. Under the Blood Moon. Dark Ink, 2022.
Martínez, Anna C. Pura Puta. Abiquiu, NM: Casa Urraca, 2022.
Martínez, Claudia Guadalupe. Still Dreaming / Seguimos soñando. New York: Lee & Low, 2022.
McCall, Guadalupe García. The Keeper. New York: HarperCollins, 2022.
McCall, Guadalupe García. Echoes of Grace. New York: Tu Books, 2022.
Medina, Juan. The Bordertown Memories. N.p.: Ewings Publishing, 2022.
Millán, Isabel. Chabelita's Heart / El corazón de Chabelita. San Francisco: Reflection Press, 2022.
Moraga, Cherríe. Waiting in the Wings: Portrait of a Queer Motherhood. 1997. Chicago: Haymarket, 2022.
Morín, Tomás Q. Let Me Count the Ways. Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 2022.
Muñoz, Manuel. The Consequences. Minneapolis, MN: Graywolf Press, 2022.
Muñoz, Manuel. The Consequences. London: The Indigo Press, 2022.
Murrieta Saldívar, Manuel. El norte virgen de mi cuerpo. Matamoros: ALJA, 2022.
Nava, Michael. How Town Piccola cità. 1990. Montirone: Triskell Edizioni, 2022.
Nava, Michael. Scolpito nelle ossa [Carved in Bone]. 2019. Montirone: Triskell Edizioni, 2021.
Nava, Michael. In tempi di guerra [Lies with Man]. 2021. Montirone: Triskell Edizioni, 2022.
Niño, Raúl. Still Life with Hands. N.p.: N.p., 2022.
Olivas, Daniel A. How To Date a Flying Mexican. Tucson, AZ: University of Nevada Press, 2022.
Pérez, Celia C. Tumble. New York: Kokila, 2022.
Pérez, Emma. Queering the Border. Houston: Arte Público Press, 2022.
Pérez, Juan Manuel. Casual Haiku. N.p.: N.p., 2022.
Pérez, Juan Manuel. Christian Haiku for the Daily You. N.p.: House of the Fighting Chupacabras, 2022.
Pérez, Juan Manuel. Live from La Pryor: The Poetry of Juan Manuel Pérez, a Zavala County Native Son, Volume II. N.p.: House of the Fighting Chupacabras
, 2022.
Pérez, Juan Manuel. Terror of the Zombie Zonnets. N.p.: N.p., 2022.
Pérez, Juan Manuel. Truth in the Time of Chupacabras. N.p.: N.p., 2022.
Porvenir, ¡ya! Citlalzazanilli Mexicatl: Chicano Science Fiction Anthology, El. Berkeley, CA: Somos en Escrito Foundation Press, 2022.
Ramírez, Reyes. The Book of Wanderers. Tucson: University of Arizona Press, 2022.
Rangel, Rubén. American Campesino: 15 poemas para una pandemia. Seattle: Editorial Xingao, 2022.
Raúl the Third. My Nap / Mi siesta. Boston: Versify, 2022.
Raúl the Third. My Party / Mi fiesta. Boston: Versify, 2022.
Reyes, Citlali. Sana, sana, colita de rana. N.p.: Li'l Libros, 2022.
Reyes, Sonora. The Lesbiana's Guide to Catholic School. New York: Balzer + Bray, 2022.
Reyes, Sonora. Przewodnik Lesbijki po katolickiej szkole [The Lesbiana's Guide to Catholic School]. [Poland]: We Need YA, 2022.
Reynoso, Naibe. El Cucuy and Other Spooky Legends from Latin American Folklore. Con Todo Press, 2022.
Ríos Ramírez, Mariana. Santiago's dinosaurios. Albert Whitman & Co., 2022.
Rocha, Iliana. The Many Deaths of Inocencio Rodríguez. North Adams, MA: Tupelo Press, 2022.
Rodríguez, Abraham. Mixed Feelings. Central Avenue Poetry, 2022.
Rodríguez, Alfonso. Itinerario del corazón: Una aventura espiritual. Greeley, CO: Leyenda Publishing House, 2022.
Rodríguez, Patty, and Ariana Stein. The Life of / La vida de Chico. N.p.: Li'l Libros, 2022.
Rodríguez, Patty, and Ariana Stein. The Life of / La vida de Pura. N.p.: Li'l Libros, 2022.
Rodríguez, R. Joseph. This Is Our Summons Now: Poems. McAllen, TX: FlowerSong Press, 2022.
Rodríguez, Richard. Hunger of Memory: The Education of Richard Rodríguez.1981. Boston: D. R. Godine, , 2022.
Ronstadt, Linda, and Lawrence Downes. Feels Like Home: A Song for the Sonoran Borderlands. Berkeley, CA: Heyday Books, 2022.
Rosaldo, Renato. Into the World Outspread: Notes from a Walker. Abiquiu, NM: Casa Urraca, 2022.
Ruiz, Rudy. Valley of Shadows. Ashland, OR: Blackstone Publishing, 2022.
Ruiz, Rudy. Valle de sombras [Valley of Shadows]. Ashland, OR: Blackstone Publishing, 2022.
Ruiz-Flores, Lupe. Lupita's Papalote / El papalote de Lupita. Houston: Piñata Books, 2022.
Ryan, Pam Muñoz. Solimar: The Sword of the Monarchs New York: Hyperion, 2022.
Salazar, Aida. A Seed in the Sun. New York: Dial Books, 2022.
Salazar, Alicia. Camila the Dancing Star. Picture Window Books, 2022.
Salazar, Alicia. Camila the Gaming Star. Picture Window Books, 2022.
Salazar, Alicia. Camila the Singing Star. Picture Window Books, 2022.
Salazar, Alicia. Camila the Talent Show Star. Picture Window Books, 2022.
Salazar-Hobson, Antonio. Antonio, We Know You. N.p.: Wyatt-Mackenzie Publishing, 2022.
Sánchez, Erika L. Crying in the Bathroom. New York: Viking: 2022.
Sánchez, Erika L. Llorando en el baño [Crying in the Bathroom]. New York: Knopf Doubleday: 2022.
Sánchez, Veracruz Pedroza. Puto. Sojourn Pub., 2022.
Sedillo, Matt. City on the Second Floor. McAllen, TX: FlowerSong Press, 2022.
Tafolla, Carmen. I’ll Always Come Back to You. Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdmans Books for Young Readers, 2022.
Tejada, Roberto. Why the Assembly Disbanded. New York: Fordham University Press, 2022.
Temblador, Alex. Half Outlaw. Ashland, OR: Blackstone Publishing, 2022.
Tonatiuh, Duncan. Soldado por la igualdad: José de la Luz Sáenz y la Gran Guerra [Soldier for Equality: José de la Luz Sáenz and the Great War]. 2019.
Vista Higher Learning, 2022.
Tonatiuh, Duncan. Serpiente Emplumada y los Cinco Soles [Feathered Serpent and the Five Suns: A Mesoamerican Creation Myth+. 2020.
Vista Higher Learning, 2022.
Tonatiuh, Duncan. A Land of Books: Dreams of Young Mexihcah Word Painters. New York: Abrams Books, 2022.
Torres, Jennifer. Catalina Incognito. Aladdin, 2022.
Torres, Jennifer. Catalina Incognito: The New Friend Fix. Aladdin, 2022.
Torres, Jennifer. Catalina Incognito: Off-Key. Aladdin, 2022.
Torres, Jennifer. Catalina Incognito: Skateboard Star. Aladdin, 2022.
Torres, Jennifer. The Do-Over. Scholastic Press, 2022.
Torres, Jennifer. Lola Out Loud. Little, Brown and Co., 2022.
Troncoso Sergio. Nobody's Pilgrims. El Paso: Cinco Puntos Press, 2022.
Vargas, Richard. How a Civilization Begins. El Paso: Mouthfeel Press, 2022.
Velásquez, Gloria L. Zakiya's Enduring Wounds. Houston: Piñata Books, 2022.
Villanueva, Tino. Táδε έφη Πηνελόπη [So Spoke Penelope]. 2013. Athens: Vakxikon, 2022.
Villarreal-Moura, Úrsula. Math for the Self-Crippling. N.p.: Gold Line Press, 2022.
Wood, Silviana. La Quinta Soledad. San Antonio: Aztlan Libre Press, 2022.
Zárate, Italo J. La Night Before Christmas: A Christmas Cuento. N.p.: AuthorHouse, 2022.
Zepeda, Gwendolyn. Houston, We Have a Problem. 2009. New York: Grand Central, 2022.
Created by: Manuel M. Martín-Rodríguez
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