☆ 2021 ☆


Abeyta, Aaron A. Rise, Do Not Be Afraid. 2007 Monument, CO: WordFire Press, 2021.

Alamilla, Tomás, and Mario Acevedo. Luther, Wyoming. N.p.: Five Star, 2021.

Acosta, Teresa Palomo. Tejanaland: A Writing Life in Four Acts. College Station, TX: Texas A&M University Press, 2021.

Alcalá, Kathleen. Spirits of the Ordinary. 1997. Shoreline, WA: Raven Chronicle Press, 2021.

Alurista. Zaz. FlowerSong Press, 2021.

Álvarez, Steven. Manhatitlán. Operating System Glossarium, Unsilenced Texts, 2021.

Amescua, Gloria. Child of the Flower-Song People: Luz Jiménez, Daughter of the Nahua Austin, TX: Abrams Books, 2021.

Anaya, Rudolfo A. New Mexico Christmas Story. Santa Fe, NM: Museum of New Mexico Press, 2021.

Anzaldúa, Gloria E. Borderlands / La frontera: The New Mestiza. 1987. San Francisco: Aunt Lute Books, 2021.

Argüelles, Ivan. The Blank Page. Montclair, NJ: Sagging Meniscus Press, 2021.

Argüelles, Ivan. Secret Poem. Allahabad: Cyberwit Net, 2021.

Argüelles, Ivan. Tamazunchale: Poetic and Phonetic Irregularities. Columbus, OH: Luna Bisonte Prods., 2021.

Argüelles, Ivan, and Solomon Rino. Field Hollers. Columbus, OH: Luna Bisonte Prods., 2021.

Baca, Jimmy Santiago. American Orphan. Houston: Arte Público Press, 2021.

Baca, Jimmy Santiago. No Enemies. Houston: Arte Público Press, 2021.

Ben-Oni, Rosebud. If This Is the Age We End Discovery. N.p.: Alice James Books, 2021.

Bernal, Estela. Reservations Required. Houston: Piñata Books, 2021.

Boffone, Trevor, and Cristina Herrera, eds. Nerds, Goths, Geeks, and Freaks: Outsiders in Chicanx and Latinx Young Adult Literature. University Press of Mississippi, 2020.

Bowles, David. My Two Border Towns. New York: Kokila, 2021.

Bowles, David. Mis dos pueblos fronterizos. New York: Kokila, 2021.

Campos, David. American Quasar. Pasadena, CA: Red Hen Press, 2021.

Cano, Lorenzo. Peril and Intrigue Under El Sexto Sol. Xlibris, 2021.

Caraza, Xánath. Ejercicio en la oscuridad / An Exercise in the Darkness. Chicago: Pandora Lobo Estepario Productions, 2021.

Caraza, Xánath. Hudson. Granada: Editorial Nazarí, 2021.

Caraza, Xánath. Labios de piedra / Lips of Stone. N.p.: The Raving Press, 2021.

Caraza, Xánath. Lágrima roja. Granada: Editorial Nazarí, 2021.

Caraza, Xánath. Perchada estás / Perching. N.p.: Mouthfeel Press, 2021.

Cárdenas, Reyes. Flirting with the Past. McAllen, TX: FlowerSong Press, 2021.

Cardona, Jacinto Jesús. Bombazo. Bifocals Librito Press, 2021.

Castañeda, Debra. The Fault in the Cuts. N.p.: No press, 2021.

Castañeda, Debra. The Cave in the Cuts. N.p.: No press, 2021.

Castañeda, Debra. The Monsters of Chávez Ravine. Second Rodeo Books, 2021.

Castañeda, Debra. The Night Lady. N.p.: No press, 2021.

Castillo, Ana. My Book of the Dead. Albuquerque: High Road Books, 2021.

Castro, V. Goddess of Filth. Brooklyn, NY: Creature Publishing, 2021.

Castro, V. Queen of the Cicadas / La reina de las chicharras. London: Flame Tree Press, 2021.

Cervantes, Angela. Maritza: Lead with Your Heart. Middleton: American Girl, 2021.

Cervantes, Lorna Dee. April on Olympia. East Rockaway, NY: Marsh Hawk Press, 2021.

Chacón, Felipe Maximiliano. El feliz ingenio neomexicano: Felipe M. Chacón and Poesía y prosa. Anna M. Nogar, and A. Gabriel Meléndez, eds. Albuquerque: University of New Mexico Press, 2021.

Chávez, Law. Señora de la pinta. No Passport Press, 2021.

Chavira, Ricardo. We Were Always Here: A Mexican American's Odyssey. Houston: Arte Público Press, 2021.

Cisneros, Sandra. La casa di Mango Street [The House on Mango Street]. 1983. Roma: Nuova Frontiera, 2021.

Cisneros, Sandra. Martita, I Remember You. New York: Vintage, 2021.

Cortez, Jaime. Gordo. New York: Grove Atlantic, 2001.

Cuello, Agustín Jaime. A Chicano´s Dreams, Thoughts, and Everything in Between. N.p.: N.p., 2021.

Cumpián, Carlos. He Didn’t Stop Singing: Homenaje/Homage to Jesús Chuy Negrete. Chicago: MARCH/Abrazo Press, 2021.

De la Peña, Matt. Pocho [Mexican WhiteBoy]. 2008. New York: Vintage en español, 2021.

De la Peña, Matt. Aquí estuvimos [We Were Here]. 2009. New York: Penguin, 2021.

De la Peña, Matt. Yo te salvaré [I Will Save You]. 2010. New York: Vintage Español, 2021.

De la Peña, Matt. Trạm Dừng Cuối Ở Phố Chợ [Last Stop on Market Street]. 2015. NXB Hà Nội [Vietnam], 2021.

De la Peña, Matt. Milo Imagines the World. New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons Books for Young Readers, 2021.

De la Peña, Matt. [Milo Imagines the World]. [Chinese edition], 2021.

De la Peña, Matt. Mairo no sukecchibukku [Milo Imagines the World]. Tokyo: Suzuki Shuppan, 2021.

De la Peña, Matt. En Milo imagina el mon [Milo Imagines the World]. Barcelona: Libros del Zorro Rojo, 2021.

De la Peña, Matt. Milo imagina el mundo [Milo Imagines the World]. New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons Books for Young Readers, 2021.

De la Peña, Matt. Milo Imagines the World. London: Two Hoots, 2021.

De la Rosa, Liana. To Tempt a Scandalous Lord. Entangled, 2021.

De León, César Leonardo. Speaking with Grackles by Soapberry Trees. McAllen, TX: FlowerSong Press, 2021.

Del Paso, Nati. Women of Fire and Snow. BookBaby, 2021.

Díaz, Lucky. Paletero Man. HarperCollins, 2021.

Díaz, Millie Rose. Feet of Clay. Fort Worth, TX: Texas Christian University Press, 2021.

Domínguez, Angela. I Love You, Baby Burrito. Roaring Brook Press, 2021.

Domínguez, Angela. Stella Díaz Dreams Big. Roaring Brook Press, 2021.

Domínguez, Angela. Stella Díaz Never Gives Up. Roaring Brook Press, 2021.

Dobbs, Alda P. Barefoot Dreams of Petra Luna. Naperville, IL: Sourcebooks for Young Readers, 2021.

Escandón, María Amparo. L. A. Weather. New York: Flatiron, 2021.

Fajardo-Anstine, Kali. Sabrina y Corina. 2019. Barcelona: Editorial Minúscula, 2021.

Fajardo-Anstine, Kali. Sabrina & Corina. 2019. Roma: Racconti Edizioni, 2021.

García, Itzolín Valdemar. Book of Itzolin. N.p.: Silver Bay Books, 2021.

García, Julio Puente. Acrobacias angelinas. Floricanto Press, 2021.

García, R. Ch. Death Song of the Dragón Chicxulub. Berkeley, CA: Somos en Escrito Foundation Press, 2021.

Garza, Xavier. La Llorona Can't Scare Me / La Llorona no me asusta. Houston: Piñata Books, 2021.

Garza, Xavier. Vincent Ventura and the Curse of the Weeping Woman. Houston: Piñata Books, 2021.

Gil de Montes, Eduardo. Las siete bardas: Mexicano de nacimiento, chicano por el destino. N.p.: N. p., 2021.

Gilliland, Raquel Vásquez. How Moon Fuéntez Fell in Love with the Universe. New York: Simon Pulse, 2021.

González, Estella. Chola Salvation. Houston: Arte Público Press, 2021.

Guerrero, Laurie Ann. I Have Eaten the Rattlesnake. Fort Worth, TX: Texas Christian University Press, 2021.

Gutiérrez y Muhs, Gabriella, Juan Velasco, and Armando Miguélez, eds. In xóchitl in cuicatl: Floricanto. Poemario chicanx/latinx contemporáneo (1920-2020) . Madrid: Editorial Polibea, 2021.

Hernández, Alex, Matthew D. Goodwin, and Sarah R. García, eds. Speculative Fiction for Dreamers: A Latinx Anthology. Columbus, OH: Mad Creek Books, 2021.

Hernández, Gustavo. Flower Grand First. Whittier, CA: Moon Tide Press, 2021.

Hernández, Melanie. Counting with Timmy the Turkey. No press, 2021.

Hernández, Melanie. Short Stories for Kids. No press, 2021.

Higuera, Donna Barba. Lupe Wong no baila [Lupe Wong Won't Dance]. New York: Levine Querido, 2021.

Higuera, Donna Barba. El Cucuy Is Scared Too. New York: Abrams Books for Young Readers, 2021.

Higuera, Donna Barba. The Last Cuentista. New York: Levine Querido, 2021.

Jiménez, Karleen Pendleton. The Street Belongs to Us. Vancouver: Arsenal Pulp Press, 2021.

Keil, Michelle Ruiz. Summer in the City of Roses. New York: Soho Teen, 2021.

Kemp, Laekan Zea. Somewhere Between Bitter and Swett. New York: Little Brown Books for Young Readers, 2021.

Layne, Ghost [Katherine Galindo]. Laurina the Enchanted Being. No press, 2021.

Layne, Ghost [Katherine Galindo]. Leonard and the Gingerbread Sleepover. No press, 2021.

Layne, Ghost [Katherine Galindo]. Princess Ozz Wants a Cat. No press, 2021.

Limón, Martín. War Women. New York: Soho Press, 2021.

López, Angelina M. Serving Sin. Toronto: Carina Press, 2021.

López, Antonio de Jesús. Gentefication. Chicago: Four Way Books, 2021.

López, Diana. Sing with Me: The Story of Selena Quintanilla. New York: Dial Books for Young Readers, 2021.

López, Diana. Canta conmigo: La historia de Selena Quintanilla. New York: Dial Books for Young Readers, 2021.

López, Jessica Helen. The Blood Poems. Albuquerque: University of New Mexico Press, 2021.

López-Quezada, Marco E. My March with César. Prickly Pear Press, 2021.

Maloney, M. Miranda. Cracked Spaces. Chicago: Pandora Lobo Estepario, 2021.

Marcum, Carl. A Camera Obscura. Red Hen Press, 2021.

Mariano, Charles. Between Here and There: Central Valley, Off the 99. Sacramento, CA: En-Casa Productions, 2021.

Martínez, Claudia Guadalupe. Spirit Untamed: The Movie Novel. Little, Brown Books for Young Readers, 2021.

Martínez, Valerie. Count. Tucson: University of Arizona Press, 2021.

Medina, Rubén. Los perdidos. 2010. Málaga: Ultramarina, 2021.

Méndez, David F. Welcome to Tejas: Short Stories de memoria. Silent Flight Media, 2021.

Miguélez Martínez, Armando, and Óscar Somoza Urquídez, comps. Semblanzas navideñas en Aztlán, 1914-1954. Middleton, DE: Colibrí Books, 2021.

Montoya, Maceo. Preparatory Notes for Future Masterpieces. Reno: University of Nevada Press, 2021.

Morales, Alejandro. Zapote Tree. Pasadena, CA: Golden Foothills Press, 2021.

Morales, Areli. Areli Is a Dreamer. New York: Random House, 2021.

Morales, Areli. Areli es una Dreamer [Areli Is a Dreamer]. New York: Random House, 2021.

Morales, Yuyi. Bright Star. N. p.: Neal Porter Brook, 2021.

Morales, Yuyi. Lucero. N. p.: Neal Porter Brook, 2021.

Morín, Tomás Q. Machete Poems. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 2021.

Moya, Regina, and Carmen Tafolla. The Last Butterfly / La última mariposa. Juventud Press, 2021.

Muñoz, Briana. Everything Is Returned to the Soil / Todo vuelve a la tierra. McAllen, TX: FlowerSong Press, 2021.

Nava, Michael. Il cielo protegga gli innocenti [Lay Your Sleeping Head]. 2016. Montirone: Triskell Edizioni, 2021.

Nava, Michael. Lies with Man. Ann Arbor, MI: Amble Press, 2021.

Otero, Michelle. Bosque. Albuquerque: University of New Mexico Press, 2021.

Palomo, Juan. Al norte. N.p.: Alabrava Press, 2021.

Pérez, Juan Manuel. Planet of the Zombie Zonnets, Seasons One and Two. N.p.: Hungry Buzzard Press, 2021.

Planas, Melissa Castillo. Chingona Rules. N.p.: Finishing Line Press, 2021.

Prado, Emily. Funeral for Flaca. Spokane, WA: Future Tense Books, 2021.

Quade, Kirstin Valdez. The Five Wounds. New York: W. W. Norton, 2021.

Quintanilla, Octavio. Book of Definite Maybe s. N. p.: Alabrava Press, 2021. [One of several individualized frontexto collections made by the author]

Ramírez, Elizabeth C., and Catherine Casiano, eds. La voz latina: Contemporary Plays and Performance Pieces by Latinas. University of Illinois Press, 2021.

Ramos, Manuel. Angels in the Wind: A Mile High Noir. Houston: Arte Público Press, 2021.

Raúl the Third. ¡Vamos! Let's Cross the Bridge. Boston: Versify, 2021.

Reynoso, Naibe. Courageous Camila. Con Todo Press, 2021.

Reynoso, Naibe. Courageous History Makers / Valientes creadoras de la historia. Con Todo Press, 2021.

Rivera, Kaela. Cece Ríos and the Desert of Souls. New York: HarperCollins, 2021.

Rodríguez, Alfonso. Vendimia de tankas (Proverbios, juicios, reflexiones, cuestionamientos). Miami: Alexandria Library, 2021.

Rodríguez, Patty, and Ariana Stein. La Catrina: Colors / Colores. N.p.: Li'l Libros, 2021.

Rodríguez, Patty, and Ariana Stein. La Catrina: Numbers / Números. N.p.: Li'l Libros, 2021.

Rodríguez, Patty, and Ariana Stein. La Catrina: Vowels / Vocales. N.p.: Li'l Libros, 2021.

Rodríguez, Patty, and Ariana Stein. The Life of / La vida de Basquiat. N.p.: Li'l Libros, 2021.

Rodríguez, Patty, and Ariana Stein. The Life of / La vida de Dolores. N.p.: Li'l Libros, 2021.

Rodríguez, Patty, and Ariana Stein. The Life of / La vida de Evelyn. N.p.: Li'l Libros, 2021.

Rodríguez, Patty, and Ariana Stein. Lotería: More First Words / Más primeras palabras. N.p.: Li'l Libros, 2021.

Rodríguez, Patty, and Ariana Stein. Vámonos a Antigua. N.p.: Li'l Libros, 2021.

Rodríguez, Patty, and Ariana Stein. Vámonos a Bogotá. N.p.: Li'l Libros, 2021.

Rodríguez, Patty, and Ariana Stein. Vámonos a Santo Domingo. N.p.: Li'l Libros, 2021.

Rodríguez, Patty, and Ariana Stein. Vámonos a Tegucigalpa. N.p.: Li'l Libros, 2021.

Rodríguez, Roberto "Cintli". Writing 50 Years más o menos Amongst the Gringos. San Antonio, TX: Aztlan Libre Press, 2021.

Romero, Hannah Renee. Equanimity. Independent Publisher, 2021.

Rosaldo, Renato. Los Chasers [The Chasers]. 2019. Valparaíso Ediciones, 2021.

Ruiz de Burton, María Amparo. The Squatter and the Don. 1885. New York: Random House, 2021.

Sáenz, Angelina. Edgecliff. McAllen, TX: FlowerSong Press, 2021.

Sáenz, Benjamin Alire. Aristotle and Dante Dive into the Waters of the World. New York: Simon & Schuster, 2021.

Sáenz, Benjamin Alire. Aristotle and Dante Dive into the Waters of the World [Bulgarian edition]. Сиела, 2021.

Sáenz, Benjamin Alire. Aristóteles y Dante se sumergen en las aguas del mundo [Aristotle and Dante Dive into the Waters of the World]. Planeta, 2021.

Sáenz, Benjamin Alire. Aristóteles e Dante mergulham nas águas do mundo [Aristotle and Dante Dive into the Waters of the World]. São Paolo: Seguinte, 2021.

Salazar, Aida. La tierra de las grullas [Land of the Cranes]. 2020. New York: Scholastic en español, 2021.

Salazar, Alicia. Camila the Baking Star. Picture Window Books, 2021.

Salazar, Alicia. Camila the Record-Breaking Star. Picture Window Books, 2021.

Salazar, Alicia. Camila the Stage Star. Picture Window Books, 2021.

Salazar, Alicia. Camila the Video Star. Picture Window Books, 2021.

Salinas, Alex Z. City Lights from the Upside Down. San Antonio: San Antonio Review, 2021.

Salinas, Fernando Albert. The Misadventures of the Barrio Boys of Guadalupe, Vol. 1.N.p.: Lulu, 2021.

Salinas, Fernando Albert. Toxic Masculinity. McAllen, TX: FlowerSong Press, 2021.

Sánchez, Alex. The Greatest Superpower. North Mankato, MN: Capstone Editions, 2021.

Sánchez, Raúl / Tlaltecatl. When There Were No Borders. FlowerSong Press, 2021.

Sierra, Natalie. Charlie Forever and Ever. McAllen, TX: FlowerSong Press, 2021.

Silva, Ire'ne Lara. First Poems: ani'mal, INDíGENA, and furia. FlowerSong Press, 2021.

Silva, Ire'ne Lara. Hibiscus Tacos. San Antonio: Alabrava Press, 2021.

Silva, Obed. The Death of My Father the Pope. New York: FSG, 2021.

Somoza, Óscar U., and Armando Miguélez Martínez, comps. La zorra y el cangrejo y otros cuentos, 1856-1929 / The Fox & the Crab and Other Stories. Middleton, DE: Colibrí Books, 2021.

Soto, Gary. The Afterlife: A Play in One Act Berkeley, CA: Las Lomas Editions, 2021.

Soto, Gary. Behavioral Medicine Berkeley, CA: Las Lomas Editions, 2021.

Stork, Francisco X. On the Hook. New York: Scholastic, 2021.

Torres, Alva B. Notitas: Select Columns from the Tucson Citizen. N.p.: Planet Earth Press, 2021.

Torres, Jennifer. Twins vs. Triplets: Back to School Blitz. Harper Chapters, 2021.

Torres, Jennifer. Twins vs. Triplets: Prank or Treat. Harper Chapters, 2021.

Torres, Larry. The Children of the Blue Noon / Los hijos de la monja azul. N.p.: Outskirts Press, 2021.

Toscano, Rodrigo. The Charm & the Dread. Hudson, NY: Fence Books, 2021.

Trejo, Danny, with Donal Logue. Trejo: My Life of Crime, Redemption, and Hollywood. New York: Atria Books, 2021.

Troncoso, Sergio, ed. Nepantla Familias: An Anthology of Mexican-American Literature on Families in Between Worlds. College Station, TX: Texas A&M University Press, 2021.

Urieta, Leticia. Las criaturas. N. p.: FlowerSong Press, 2021.

Vaca, Brenda. Riot of Roses. Riot of Roses, 2021.

Villa, Jonny Garza. Fifteen Hundred Miles from the Sun. N.p.: Skyscape, 2021.

Villarreal, Javier. Perfiles del silencio. Matamoros: ALJA, 2021.

Zambrano, Mario Alberto. Lotería. 2013. New York: Harper Perennial, 2021.

Zamora, Beatrice. Am I Blue or Am I Green? / Azul o verde. ¿Cuál soy yo?. San Diego, CA: Tolteca Press, 2021.

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Created by: Manuel M. Martín-Rodríguez