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Acosta, Teresa Palomo. Direct Light Has Fallen Upon Me: Poems, 2003 to 2011. N.p.: N.p., 2012.
Aigla, Jorge H. First Lie / Primera mentira. Grand Junction, CO: Farolito Press, 2012.
Alegría, Malín. Crossing the Line. New York: Point, 2012.
Alegría, Malín. Cruzar el límite. New York: Scholastic, 2012.
Alegría, Malín. Falling Too Fast. New York: Point, 2012.
Alegría, Malín. No Second Chances. New York: Point, 2012.
Alegría, Malín. Quince Clash. New York: Point, 2012.
Álvarez, Steven. The Xicano Genome. N.p.: Paroxismo, 2012.
Amézquita, Ricardo Mario. Then She Kissed El Paco's Lips Now! Or, April in DeKalb. Fort Collins, CO: Indian Paintbrush Poets, 2012.
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Anzaldúa, Gloria E. Borderlands / La frontera: The New Mestiza. 1987. San Francisco: Aunt Lute Books, 2012.
Apodaca, Rudy S. A Rare Thing. Bloomington, IN: AuthorHouse, 2012.
Aragón, Clyde James. Hotel de Fools. Kindle, 2012.
Argüelles, Ivan. A Day in the Sun. Columbus, OH: Luna Bisonte Prods., 2012.
Argüelles, Ivan. Pantograph: The Second Book. West Hartford, CT: White Sky Books, 2012.
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Ávila-Robinson, Graciela. Historias y reflexiones de insomnio. N.p.: Palibrio, 2012.
Baca, Jimmy Santiago. The Lucía Poems. Santa Fe, NM: Sherman Asher, 2012.
Berriozábal, Luis Cuauhtémoc. Songs for Oblivion. Palo Alto, CA: Propaganda Press, 2012.
Berriozábal, María Antonietta. María, Daughter of Immigrants. San Antonio: Wings Press, 2012.
Bertrand, Diane Gonzales. Sofía and the Purple Dress / Sofía y el vestido morado. Houston: Piñata Books, 2012.
Burk, Ronnie. Sky*Boat. Oakland, CA: Kouloumeim Press, 2012.
Calderón, Rudy. Candela. N.p,: AuthorHouse, 2012.
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Corral, Eduardo. Slow Lightning. New Haven: Yale University Press, 2012.
Cortés, Víctor M. El sabor del desdén. Chicago: Mizisa-Ediciones La Cuadrilla de la Langosta, 2012.
Cortez, Sarah. Walking Home: Growing Up Hispanic in Houston. Huntsville, TX: Texas Review Press, 2012.
De Anda, Diane. A Day without Sugar / Un día sin azúcar. Houston: Piñata Books, 2012.
De Haro, Roberto. Twist of Fate: love, Intrigue, and the Great War. iUniverse, 2012.
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Fatula, Juliana Aragón. Crazy Chicana in Catholic City. Wolfville, Canada: Conundrum Press, 2012.
Fatula, Juliana Aragón. The Road I Ride Bleeds. Pueblo, CO: Casa de Cinco Hermanas Press, 2012.
Gallegos, Robert. The Malpais Man. Grants, NM: Fire Starter Press, 2012.
García, Luis. A Wheel in the Sky. Berkeley, CA: Tangram, 2012.
García, Nasario. Grandpa Lolo's Navajo Saddle Blanket: La tilma de abuelito Lolo. Albuquerque: University of New Mexico Press, 2012.
García, Rudy Ch. The Closet of Discarded Dreams. Santa Rosa, CA: Damnation Books, 2012.
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Gaspar de Alba, Alicia. Le sang du désert [Desert Blood]. 2005. Paris: Presses de la Cité, 2012.
Gaspar de Alba, Alicia. Calligraphy of the Witch. 2005. Houston: Arte Público Press, 2012.
González, Rigoberto. Mariposa Gown. Maple Shade, NJ: Lethe Press, 2012.
Grande, Reyna. Danser med Sommer-Fluger [Dancing with Butterflies]. 2009. Oslo:Juritzen, 2012.
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Guerra, Erasmo. Cry Me a Rio: Days and Nights South of the Rio Grande. Kindle, 2012.
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Hernández, Alfonso C. Gender Games. Bloomington, IN: AuthorHouse, 2012.
Hernández, José M. Reaching for the Stars. New York: Center Street, 2012.
Hernández, Tim Z. Culture of Flow. Denver: Monkey Puzzle Press, 2012.
Hogan, Ernest. Cortez on Jupiter. 1990. N.p.: Smashword, 2012.
Hogan, Ernest. Smoking Mirror Blues. 2001. Kindle, 2012.
Huerta, Javier O. American Copia: An Immigrant Epic. Houston: Arte Público Press, 2012.
Limón, Graciela. The Madness of Mamá Carlota. Houston: Arte Público Press, 2012.
Limón, Martín. Mr. Kill. 2011. New York: Soho Crime, 2012.
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Llamas, Rubén. Eye from the Edge: A Memoir of West Oakland, California. Carmichael, CA: Earth Patch Press, 2012.
López, Diana. Choke. New York: Scholastic, 2012.
López, Lorraine. The Realm of Hungry Spirits. 2011. New York: Grand Central Pub., 2012.
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Luis, William, ed. Looking Out, Looking In: Anthology of Latino Poetry. Houston: Arte Público Press, 2012.
Madrid-Barela, Arturo. In the Country of Empty Crosses: The Story of a Hispano Protestant Family in Catholic New Mexico. San Antonio: Trinity University Press, 2012.
Marcantonio, Patricia Santos. The Weeping Woman. Mechanisburg, PA: Sunbury Press, 2012.
Márquez, Jim. Beastly Bus Tales: The Semi-Nude Adventures of Jack Morales. Los Ángeles: Lulu Books, 2012.
Martínez, Demetria. The Block Captain's Daughter. Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 2012.
Martínez, Domingo. The Boy Kings of Texas. Guilford, CT: Lyons Press, 2012.
Martínez, Rubén. Desert America: Boom and Bust in the New Old West. New York: Metropolitan Books, 2012.
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Mayer, Oliver. Dark Matters and Other Plays. South Gate, CA: NoPassports Press, 2012.
McCall, Guadalupe García. Summer of the Mariposas. New York: Tu Books, 2012.
Méndez, Matt. Twitching Heart. Moorpark, CA: Floricanto Press, 2012.
Mendoza, Louis Gerard. A Journey Around Our America: A Memoir on Cycling, Immigration, and the Latinoization of the U.S.. Austin: University of Texas Press, 2012.
Moniz. Tomás. Things To Do with the Old Bay Bridge. N.p.: Berkeley, CA: No press, c.2012.
Montaño, Brenda. Singin’ the Blues: Esa que te sirve. N.p.: N.p., 2012.
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Morín, Tomás Q. A Larger Country. American Poetry Review, 2012.
Muñoz, Manuel. What You See in the Dark. 2011. Chapel Hill, NC: Algonquin Books, 2012.
Murguía, Alejandro. Native Tongue. Berkeley, CA: CC Marimbo, 2012.
Nahualliandoing Dos: An Anthology Poetry in Nahuatl, Español, and English. San Antonio: Aztlan Libre Press, 2012.
Nieto, María. Pig Behind the Bear. CreateSpace, 2012.
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Nieto, María. The Water of Life Remains in the Dead. Floricanto Press, 2012.
Niggli, Josefina. Mexican Village. 1945. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 2012.
Palacio, Melinda. How Fire Is a Story, Waiting. San Fernando, CA: Tía Chucha Press, 2012.
Pérez, Severo. The Challengers Aero Club. N.p.: Script & Post Script, 2012.
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Ramos, Jorge. El regalo del tiempo: Cartas a mis hijos. 2007. México: Grijalbo, 2012.
Rentería, Alma. ¡Abuelita! ¡Abuelita! ¿Dónde está? / Grandma! Grandma! Where Are You?. Fresno, CA: Education and Leadership Press, 2012.
Ríos, Richard. Songs from the Barrio: A Coming of Age in Modesto, CA. North Charleston, SC: CreateSpace, 2012.
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Rivera, Santino J., ed. ¡Ban this! The BSP Anthology of Xican@ Literature. St. Augustine, FL: Broken Sword Publications, 2012.
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Rodríguez, Luis J. My Nature Is Hunger: New & Selected Poems, 1989-2004. 2005. Open Road Media, 2012.
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Romay, Edel. Una poética breve, 1989-2004. Bloomington, IN: Palibrio, 2012.
Romero, Danny. Traces. Tempe, AZ: Bilingual Press, 2012.
Rosaldo, Renato. Diego Luna's Insider Tips. Philadelphia: Many Mountains Moving Press, 2012.
Ruiz, Ronald L. A Lawyer. Charleston, SC: The Author, 2012.
Ruiz de Burton, María Amparo. The Squatter and the Don. 1885. N.p.: Rare Books Club, 2012. [On demand]
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Ryan, Pam Muñoz. Riding Freedom 1998. AudioGo, 2012.
Ryan, Pam Muñoz. Esperanza Rising 2000. Kindle, 2012.
Sáenz, Benjamin Alire. Aristotle and Dante Discover the Secrets of the Universe. New York: Simon & Schuster, 2012.
Sáenz, Benjamin Alire. Everything Begins and Ends at the Kentucky Club. El Paso: Cinco Puntos Press, 2012.
Saldaña, René, Jr. Dancing with the Devil and Other Tales from Beyond. Houston: Piñata Books, 2012.
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Sánchez, Raúl. All Our Brown-Skinned Angels. Kingston, WA: MoonPath Press, 2012.
Sandoval, John. The Witches of Ruidoso. Houston: Arte Público Press, 2012.
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Tafolla, Carmen. Curandera. 1983. San Antonio: Wings Press, 2012.
Tafolla, Carmen. Rebozos. San Antonio, TX: Wings Press, 2012.
Tejada, Roberto. Full Foreground. Tucson, AZ: University of Arizona Press, 2012.
Toscano, Rodrigo. Deck of Deeds. Denver: Counterpath Press, 2012.
Urrea, Luis Alberto. Queen of America. 2011. New York: Back Bay Books, 2012.
Vaquera-Vásquez, Santiago. Algún día te cuento las cosas que he visto. Charleston, SC: The Author, 2012.
Villareal, Ray. Body Slammed!. Houston: Piñata Books, 2012.
Villaseñor, Víctor. Macho! 1973. New York: Atria Books, 2012.
Zepeda, Gwendolyn. Better with You Here. New York: Grand Central, 2012.
Zepeda, Gwendolyn. Level Up / Paso de nivel. Houston: Piñata Books, 2012.
Zihuatanejo, Joaquín. Family Tree. Dallas: Bonita Blvd Publications, 2012.
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