☆ 1992 ☆

1993 →    

Aguilar Melantzón, Ricardo, and Cecilia Pino, eds. Antología del cuento chicano. Toluca: Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México, 1992.

Alarcón, Francisco X. Colainn Bharr Lasrch / Cuerpo en llamas. 1990. Indreabhán, Conamara: Cló Iar-Chonnachta, 1992.

Alarcón, Francisco X. De amor oscuro / Um an nGrá Dorcha. 1991. Indreabhán, Conamara: Cló Iar-Chonnachta, 1992.

Alarcón, Francisco X. Poemas zurdos. Naucalpan de Juárez: Editorial Factor, 1992.

Alarcón, Francisco X. Snake Poems: An Aztec Invocation. San Francisco: Chronicle Books, 1992.

Alcalá, Kathleen. Mrs. Vargas and the Dead Naturalist. Corvallis, OR: CALYX Books, 1992.

Anaya, Rudolfo A. Alburquerque. Albuquerque: University of New Mexico Press, 1992.

Ancona, George. Getting Together. New York: Macmillan, 1992.

Ancona, George. Man and Mustang. New York: Macmillan, 1992.

Ancona, George. My Camera. New York: Crown Publishers, 1992.

Anglesey, Zoé, ed. Word Up! Hope for Youth: Poetry from El Centro de la Raza. Seattke: El Centro de la Raza, 1992.

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Arroyo-Ortiz, Nelson. Versos de amor. Dallas: Blue Sky Press, 1992.

Avendaño, Fausto. Los terrícolas. Sacramento, CA: Spanish Press, 1992.

Baca, Jimmy Santiago. Working in the Dark: Reflections of a Poet of the Barrio. Santa Fe, NM: Red Crane Books, 1992.

Baez, Joan. Wi sharu obakamu [And a Voice To Sing With]. 1987. Tokyo: Shobunsha, 1992.

Bertrand, Diane Gonzales. Carousel of Dreams. New York: Avalon, 1992.

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Burciaga, José Antonio. Drink Cultura: Chicanismo. Santa Bárbara, CA: Capra Press, 1992.

Burciaga, José Antonio. Undocumented Love / Amor indocumentado. San José, CA: Chusma House Publications, 1992.

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Cisneros, Sandra. Huset i Mango Street [The House on Mango Street]. 1983. Copenhagen: RosinanteMunksgaard, 1992.

Cisneros, Sandra. My Wicked Wicked Ways. 1987. New York: Knopf, 1992.

Cisneros, Sandra. Beek van de brullende vrouw [Woman Hollering Creek and Other Stories]. 1991. Amsterdam: Van Gennep, 1992.

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Cisneros, Sandra. Érase un hombre, érase una mujer [Woman Hollering Creek and Other Stories]. 1991. Barcelona: Ediciones B, 1992.

Corpi, Lucha. Eulogy for a Brown Angel. Houston: Arte Público Press, 1992.

Cortez, Carlos. De Kansas a Califas & Back to Chicago. Chicago: MARCH?Abrazo Press, 1992.

De la Peña, Terri. Margins. Seattle: Seal Press, 1992.

Delgado, Abelardo. An Autobiographical Sketch of Abelardo. Arvada, CO: Barrio Publications, 1992.

Delgado, Abelardo. La Llorona: 25 Lloronas of Abelardo. Arvada, CO: Barrio Publications, 1992.

Domingo, Margie. Let My Existence Be Born. Denver: Existence InVerse, 1992.

Durán, Miguel. Don't Spit on My Corner. Houston: Arte Público Press, 1992.

Feyder, Linda, ed. Shattering the Myth: Plays by Hispanic Women. Houston: Arte Público Press, 1992.

Fontes, Montserrat. First Confession. 1991. New York: W. W. Norton, 1992.

García, Nasario, ed. Abuelitos: Stories of the Río Puerco Valley. Albuquerque: University of New Mexico Press, 1992.

García-Camarillo, Cecilio. Crickets. Albuquerque, NM: Mano Izquierda Books, 1992.

García-Camarillo, Cecilio. Crickets in My Mind. Albuquerque, NM: The Author, 1992.

García-Camarillo, Cecilio. Zafa'o. Albuquerque, NM: Mano Izquierda Books, 1992.

Garza, José L. Kamikaze. N.p.: Edinboro Center for the Arts, 1989.

González, Ray. Falling Into. San Antonio, TX: Rod Mills, 1992.

González, Ray, ed. Without Discovery: A Native Response to Columbus. Seattle: Broken Moon Press, 1992.

Hernández, Irene Beltrán. Heartbeat, Drumbeat. Houston: Arte Público Press, 1992.

Herrera, Jess Robert. Memories of My Life. San Francisco: The Author, 1992.

Hogan, Ernest. High Aztech. New York: Tor Books, 1992.

Hogan, Ernest. High Aztech. 1990. London: Mandarin, 1992.

Keller, Gary D. Zapata Rose in 1992 and Other Tales. Tempe, AZ: Maize Press, 1992.

Limón, Martín. Jade Lady Burning. New York: Soho, 1992.

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Limón, Martín. Jade Lady Burning. 1992. London: Serpent's Tail, 1992.

López-Medina, Sylvia. Cantora. Albuquerque: University of New Mexico Press, 1992.

Mares, E. A. The Unicorn Poems & Flowers & Songs of Sorrow.1980. Albuquerque, NM: West End Press, 1992.

Martín, Patricia Preciado, ed. Songs My Mother Sang to Me: An Oral History of Mexican American Women. Tucson, AZ: University of Arizona Press, 1992.

Martínez, Al. Dancing Under the Moon. New York: St. Martin's Press, 1992.

Martínez, Rubén. The Other Side: Notes from the New L.A., Mexico City, and Beyond. London: Verso, 1992.

Martínez, Víctor. Caring for a House. San José, CA: Chusma House Publications, 1992.

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Menton, Seymour, and María Herrera-Sobek, eds. Saga de México. Tempe, AZ: Bilingual Press, 1992.

Montalvo, José. Welcome to My New World. San Antonio, TX: Saddle Tramp Publications, 1992.

Montoya, José. El sol y los de abajo. Sherman Oaks, CA: Ninja Press, 1992.

Mora, Pat. A Birthday Basket for Tía. New York: Macmillan, 1992.

Morales, Alejandro. Reto en el paraíso. 1983. México: Grijalbo, 1992.

Morales, Alejandro. The Brick People. 1988. Houston: Arte Público Press, 1992.

Morales, Alejandro. The Rag Doll Plagues. Houston: Arte Público Press, 1992.

Morton, Carlos. Johnny Tenorio and Other Plays. Houston: Arte Público Press, 1992.

Nava, Michael. Malá smrt [The Little Death]. 1986. Prague: Regent Art Press, 1992.

Nava, Michael. Zlaty hoch [Goldenboy]. 1988. Prague: Regent Art Press, 1992.

Nava, Michael. The Hidden Law. New York: HarperCollins, 1992.

Navarro, Joe. Awakening: Tribute to Malcolm X. Denver: Aztlaneco Publications, 1992.

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Pepper, Margot. At This Very Moment / En este preciso momento. San Francisco: Freedom Voices Publications, 1992.

Pineda, Cecile. The Love Queen of the Amazon. Boston: Little, Brown, 1992.

Pineda, Cecile. The Love Queen of the Amazon. 1992. London: Hamish, 1992.

Pineda, Cecile. Die Venus vom Amazonas [The Love Queen of the Amazon]. 1992. München: Bertelsmann, 1992.

Pineda, Cecile. The Love Queen of the Amazon. 1992. Boston: Little, Brown, 1992.

Poey, Delia, and Virgil Suárez, eds. Iguana Dreams: New Latino Fiction. New York: HarperCollins, 1992.

Quinn, Anthony. Mon péché originel [The Original Sin]. 1972. Paris: Jean Pierre Tallandier, 1992.

Ríos, Richard. Burritos and Baloney Sandwiches. Stockton, CA: The Author, 1992.

Rivera, Tomás. ...y no se lo tragó la tierra. 1971. Houston: Arte Público Press, 1992.

Rivera, Tomás. ...y no se lo tragó la tierra. 1971. In Gutiérrez Martínez-Conde, Juan. Literatura y sociedad en el mundo chicano. Madrid: De la Torre, 1992.

Rodríguez, Richard. Days of Obligation: An Argument With My Mexican Father. New York: Viking, 1992.

Rodríguez, Richard. Days of Obligation: An Argument With My Mexican Father. New York: Penguin, 1992.

Sáenz, Benjamin Alire. Flowers for the Broken. Seattle: Broken Moon Press, 1992.

Salas, Floyd. Buffalo Nickel: A Memoir. Houston: Arte Público Press, 1992.

Sánchez, Elba Rosario. Tallos de luna / Moon Shots. Santa Cruz, CA: Moving Parts Press, 1992.

Sánchez, Ricardo. The Northwest Cantos, Part I. Moscow, ID: Palousian Poets Press, 1992.

Santos, E. D. Mesquite Sighs. Hondo, TX: La Sombra, 1992.

Soto, Gary. Living Up the Street. 1985. New York: Laurel Leaf, 1992.

Soto, Gary. Living Up the Street. 1985. New York: Dell, 1992.

Soto, Gary. Neighborhhod Odes. San Diego, CA: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1992.

Soto, Gary. Pacific Crossing. San Diego, CA: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1992.

Soto, Gary. Pacific Crossing [audiocassette]. 1992. New York: Scholastic, 1992.

Soto, Gary. The Skirt. New York: Delacorte Press, 1992.

Tafolla, Carmen. Sonnets to Human Beings and Other Selected Works. Santa Mónica, CA: Lalo Press, 1992.

Tafolla, Carmen. Sonnets to Human Beings and Other Selected Works. 1992. New York: McGraw Hill, 1992.

Tafolla, Carmen. Sonnets to Human Beings / Sonette an Menschen. 1992. Osnabrück: VC-Verlag-Cooperative, 1992.

Tatum, Charles M., ed. New Chicana/Chicano Writing, 1. Tucson: University of Arizona Press, 1992.

Tatum, Charles M., ed. New Chicana/Chicano Writing, 2. Tucson: University of Arizona Press, 1992.

Torres, Larry. Yo seigo de Taosi: Ensayos culturales nuevo mexicanos. N.p.: El Crepúsculo, Inc., 1992.

Ulibarrí, Sabine R. Mi abuela fumaba puros. 1964. México, DF: Grijalbo, 1992.

Valdez, Luis. Zoot Suit and Other Plays. Houston: Arte Público Press, 1992.

Villagrá, Gaspar de. Historia de la Nueva México. 1610. Albuquerque: University of New Mexico Press, 1992.

Villagrá, Gaspar de. Historia de la Nueva México. 1610. Albuquerque: University of New Mexico Press, 1992.

Villaseñor, Víctor. Rain of Gold. 1991. New York: Laurel, 1992.

Villaseñor, Víctor. Rain of Gold. 1991. New York: Delta, 1992.

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Created by: Manuel M. Martín-Rodríguez