EECS260 Optimization (Spring semester 2010): project 2
Project 2 consists of reviewing a research paper with some optimisation content. You can either choose one paper from the list below or suggest to me a paper yourselves. Send me your review (handwritten, if you prefer) as a PDF file using as email subject [EECS260] Project 2.
Your review should be 1-2 typed pages long and contain the following:
- A summary of the paper, no more than 1/3 of a page long.
- A brief description of the optimisation material in the paper, i.e., a statement of the optimisation problem and why it is necessary, and a description of the method applied to solve it.
- Your evaluation of the optimisation material in the paper in relation to what we have seen in the course. Here are some suggestions for questions to ask (not all may apply): is the problem constrained/unconstrained/smooth/line-search/trust-region...? If it uses a line search, does it satisfy the Wolfe (or other) conditions? Does the paper use a standard optimisation algorithm, or are there ad-hoc modifications, and if so what are the consequences? Are there better choices of algorithm (take into account ease of implementation, scalability wrt problem size, etc.)? Is the empirical evaluation fair and conclusive (competing methods are often presented at a disadvantage)? What is the stopping condition or convergence criterion? Does the problem have a unique optimum? How important is the optimisation part in the paper's main objectives?
You don't need to read the papers in their entirety, just to get an idea of what they deal with, and then focus on the optimisation part. But it is crucial that you give a critical review and evaluation, not just a summary.
The list of papers, classified by type:
Miguel A. Carreira-Perpinan
Last modified: Sat Jul 17 20:57:46 PDT 2010
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