CSE176 Introduction to Machine Learning (Fall semester 2021)


Miguel Á. Carreira-Perpiñán
Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
School of Engineering
University of California, Merced
mcarreira-perpinan-[at]-ucmerced.edu; 209-2284545
Office: 217, Science & Engineering Building 2

Office hours: by appointment in SE2-217 or Zoom.

TA: Yerlan Idelbayev, yidelbayev-[at]-ucmerced.edu. TA hours: by appointment, Zoom.

Lectures: Tuesdays/Thursdays 4:30-5:45pm (COB129).

Lab class: Fridays 1:30-4:20pm (SE1-100).

Course web page: http://faculty.ucmerced.edu/mcarreira-perpinan/teaching/CSE176

Course description

Survey of techniques for the development and analysis of software that learns from experience. Specific topics include: supervised learning (classification, regression); unsupervised learning (clustering, dimensionality reduction); reinforcement learning; computational learning theory. Specific techniques include: Bayesian methods, mixture models, decision trees, instance-based methods, neural networks, kernel machines, ensembles, and others.


Essentially, you need to know the fundamentals of linear algebra, multivariate calculus and probability, and have good programming skills. More specifically, these are the most important concepts you need to know:

I emphasize that a solid knowledge of these concepts is strictly necessary to do well in this course. Below I give some resources you can use the help you refresh this knowledge if necessary; make sure to do so from day one. You also need to know (or be able to learn quickly) Matlab programming at a reasonably proficient level, since we will use it during the labs; and to be able to use open-source packages written in other languages, such as C/C++, Python or R, at a user level (not at a programmer level), since we will need that for the projects.


We will use the following lecture notes:
Carreira-Perpiñán, M. Á. (2016): CSE176 Introduction to Machine Learning: Lecture notes. University of California, Merced, 2015-2016.

There is no required textbook (we will use the lecture notes above), but these are some books recommended as additional reading at the undergraduate level:

If you want to refresh your knowledge of linear algebra, multivariate calculus or probability, the following are helpful (any edition or similar book is fine):

Some of the machine learning books above have appendices on linear algebra, multivariate calculus or probability. The following books also have extensive content on the mathematics needed for machine learning:

Also, the following are useful:

You can also ask math questions at The Math Center.



Before each class, you should have read the corresponding part of the notes. I will teach the material roughly in the order below:


Homework (to do on your own, not graded):


The labs are intended 1) to do some pen-and-paper exercises and 2) to explore machine learning in Matlab. Each lab explores a different machine learning problem or algorithm. We will provide you with sample code implementing an algorithm. The TA will demonstrate it with an example and visualize its results; then you will explore it on other examples, and modify the code to do other things. There is nothing to submit but attendance is mandatory and we will take into account your participation in the grade. The code we provide is very instructive and you will get considerable insights into machine learning if you spend time exploring it. You are encouraged to continue to explore the algorithms on your own once the lab is over. Ask any questions to the TA during the lab or TA office hours, or by email.

The labs will use Matlab, so start learning right away it if you have never used it. The first lab sessions are an introduction to machine learning and Matlab.

The following directories contain supporting material for the labs:


There are two projects, in groups of up to 4 students, but with an individual component (see project description).

Course grading

Academic dishonesty

While I encourage you to discuss your work with other students, the project must be the result of your group's work, and the individual part of the project must be the result of your own work, without collaboration. Cheating causes two problems: you learn less well, and it is unfair to students who put honest effort into their work. See the Academic Dishonesty Statement in the syllabus, the CSE Department Policy on Academic Honesty and the UC Merced Academic Honesty Policy. Importantly: should copying occur, both the student who copied work from another student and the student who gave material to be copied will both automatically receive a zero for the project. A repeated violation will directly lead to an F. A single violation will directly lead to an F if the School of Engineering determines that the student has had a prior violation in any other course.

For the projects: you must disclose whatever sources you used to complete your work or to help others complete theirs. Write it at the beginning of your report. Examples of possible sources:

  1. I used the lecture notes and my notes taken during the lectures.
  2. I consulted textbook X, companion material from textbook X.
  3. I helped student X or received help from X (describe how specifically).
  4. I consulted an online resource: website / book / video / etc. Give its URL and explain how you used it.
  5. etc.

Matlab tutorials

If you have never used Matlab, there are many online tutorials, for example:

As well as books:

Engineering Service Learning at UC Merced usually offers courses on Matlab, Python, R and other things.


Interactive demos


Miguel A. Carreira-Perpinan
Last modified: Sun Oct 3 01:32:16 PDT 2021

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