Picture Gallery of Undergrads (1998 - 1999)
![Scott with Undergs](scottwithunderg.jpg)
When Scott was here, he was a popular leader ....
![Coffee Party](CoffeeInOffice2.jpg)
Scott's last day with us. We had a coffee party.
![Nancy and Melissa](NancyMelissa.jpg)
We will miss you, Melissa!
![Class 1999](MelNanKev.jpg)
To the capable students of Class 1999, I am sure you will have a good career. Come back for a graduate degree here!
![Having Coffee with Undergrads in Rainbow bookstore](coffeeundergs.jpg)
![Masha rides the loader](MashaInLoader.jpg)
We have fun here!
![Pat and Flo are working](FloPatWork.jpg)
![Pat works on the loader](PatWorkOnLoader.jpg)
And, we work hard too!
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