Moyes, Holley, (expected 2012), Introduction. Sacred Darkness: A Global Perspective on the Ritual Use of Caves, edited by Holley Moyes, University Press of Colorado, Boulder.

Moyes, Holley and James E. Brady, (expected 2012) Caves as Sacred Space in Mesoamerica. In Sacred Darkness: A Global Perspective on the Ritual Use of Caves, edited by Holley Moyes, University Press of Colorado, Boulder.

Montello, Daniel, and Holley Moyes, (expected 2012). Why Dark Zones Are Sacred: Turning to Behavioral and Cognitive Science for Answers. In Sacred Darkness: A Global Perspective on the Ritual Use of Caves, edited by Holley Moyes, University Press of Colorado, Boulder.

Voorhies, Barbara, Holley Moyes and Douglas Kennett, (in press). The Rock Shelters of Cerro Bernal and their Prehistoric Use. In La Arqueología de Chiapas: 60th Aniversario de la Fundación Arqueológica del Nuevo Mundo, Vol.2: Investigaciones recientes en Chiapas, pp. ???, edited by Lynneth S. Lowe and Mary E. Pye. Papers of the NWAF, No. 72. BYU, Provo.

Iannone, Gyles, Arlen F. Chase, Diane Z. Chase, Jaime Awe, Holley Moyes, George Brook, Jason Polk, James Webster, and James Conolly, (in press), An Archaeological Consideration of Long-Term Socio- Environmental Dynamics on the Vaca Plateau, Belize, University Press of Colorado, Boulder.

Moyes, Holley, 2008, Charcoal as a Proxy for Use-Intensity in Ancient Maya Cave Ritual. In Religion, Archaeology, and the Material World, edited by Lars Fogelin, pp. 139-158, Center for Archaeological Investigations, Carbondale, Illinois.

Moyes, Holley, 2007, The Late Classic Drought Cult: Ritual Activity as a Response to Environmental Stress among the Ancient Maya. In Cult in Context: Reconsidering Ritual in Archaeology, edited by David Barrowclough, Caroline Malone, and Simon Stoddard, pp. 217-228, Oxbow Books, Oxford, UK.

Moyes, Holley, 2005, The Sweatbath in the Cave: A Modified Passage in Chechem Ha Cave, Belize. In Stone Houses and Earth Lords: Maya Religion in the Cave Context, edited by Keith Prufer and James Brady, pp. 187-212, University Press of Colorado, Boulder.

Moyes, Holley, 2005, Cluster Concentrations, Boundary Markers, and Ritual Pathways: A GIS Analysis of Artifact Cluster Patterns at Actun Tunichil Muknal, Belize. In In the Maw of the Earth Monster: Mesoamerican Ritual Cave Use, edited by James Brady and Keith Prufer, pp. 269-300, University of Texas Press, Austin.