This is the course syllabus for Chemistry 212, the graduate level quantum mechanics class at UC Merced.
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Instructor: Professor Erik Menke
Class Room and Hours: SE 390, TTh 9-10:15
Office: Science and Engineering, Room 358
Office Hours: Drop by my office any time if you have questions or concerns. If I don’t have time to talk, we can schedule a time. In addition, I will be available for the half-hour immediately following class at the Lantern Café in the library.
Contacting me: In addition to visiting my office, you can reach me by e-mail, leaving a message on the UCMCrops website for the class, or feel free to call me on either my office phone (209-228-4187) or cell phone (949-307-3783).
Course description and objectives: Quantum mechanics forms the basis of chemistry. Chemistry 212 focuses on how quantum mechanics applies to chemistry. We will begin by discussing the general postulates of quantum mechanics. We will then use these postulates to build mathematical models based on classical physics analogues. As class progresses, these models will become more and more complex as they describe first particles, then atoms, until we get to complex structures like molecules and solid materials. As these models are presented, we will see not only how they describe objects, but also how they can be used to predict the properties of these objects, as well as measure the predicted properties.
Expected Student Learning Outcomes: By the end of the semester you should be able to:
Explain the various concepts unique to quantum mechanics (spin, Pauli exclusion principle, wavefunctions, measurements, etc).
Work with Dirac Bra-Ket notation.
Use various models (the quantum harmonic oscillator, the rigid rotor, the hydrogen atom) to calculate spectroscopic and structural properties of atoms, molecules, and crystals.
Use time-independent and -dependent perturbation theory to extend the models to more realistic situations.
Required Text: Molecular Quantum Mechanics, by R. S. Friedman and P. Atkins (Any edition)
Prerequisites: While this is a graduate level class, very little prior knowledge of quantum mechanics will be assumed on my part. However, both the lectures and the homework will be math intensive, and so you should be comfortable with calculus, including multi-dimensional and vector calculus. In addition, some knowledge of linear algebra and differential equations, while not necessary, will be helpful.
Class Policies: As this is a pretty small, graduate level class, it will be rather informal. At this point in your career, we are colleagues, so feel free to call me Erik, rather than Dr. or Professor Menke. If there is something you don’t understand or don’t feel I’m explaining well, please stop me and ask questions. What I expect from you is curiousity and hard work, and what you should expect from me is the same.
Academic Integrity: This is a topic that I take very seriously. While I understand that shortcuts are attractive, they very rarely end up helping in the long run. Dishonest practices, like cheating and plagarism, typically prevent you from understanding the material, which is ultimately why you are here in school. A full description of the University policy, as well as the judicial process and potential penalties, can be foun on the student life website. Students should be familiar with the University policy as anyone caught violating the policy will be dealt with harshly.
Disability Services: A disability should not impede learning. To this end, UC Merced provides a number of options to help people with disabilities suceed in their academic career. If you have a disibility, I encourage you to contact the University Disability Services Office to find out how they can help. You can find out more information on their website, e-mailing them at, or calling them at 209.228.6996 . In addition, please let me know so that we can take measures to ensure that it has a minimal effect on your ability to understand the material.
Exams: There will be two mid-term exams, worth 50 points each, and a comprehensive final exam worth 200 points.
Exam Schedule:
Mid-term 1: Tuesday, October 7th. This exam will cover material from Chapters 1-4. It will primarily test your qualitative understanding of the basic underpinnings of quantum mechanics as well as your ability to calculate various quantities using the particle-in-a-box, quantum harmonic oscillator, and rigid rotor models.
Mid-term 2: Tuesday, November 25th. This exam will cover material from Chapters 5-9. It will primarily test your qualitative understanding of how quantum mechanics applys to molecules and solid materials as well as your ability to calculate various spectroscopic parameters using both time-independent and time-dependent perturbation theory.
Final exam: Tuesday, December 16th. This exam will be a comprehensive measure on your understanding of quantum mechanics. Everything that was presented in class will be fair game. In addition, as two hours are available rather than just one, it will be more in depth, and not only test you on the material presented, but how well you understand the connections between various topics.
Homework: There will be two kinds of homework problems:
“Practice” problems will be to make sure you understand the material. We will attempt to go over them in class, but they will not be graded. Exam problems are typically of this difficulty.
“Real” problems will be tougher, and will be graded. There will be, on average, one problem assigned at the beginning of the week, and it will be due one week later. If you get the correct solution the first time, you will receive a 20 and you are done with the problem. However, if you do not get the correct solution, the problem will be marked with a “REDO”, and you will have one week to return the homework with another attempt. If you get the correct solution, you will receive an 18. Otherwise, this reiterative process will continue until you get the correct solution. A late attempt will lose 4 points instead of 2, so please have someone turn something in for you, even if it’s a blank sheet of paper with your name on it, if you are not around. If you work with, or receive help from, someone, please put their name under yours. There is no policy against outside help, and collaboration is an important skill to learn, but it is also important to credit others when help is received.
Grading: Overall, there will be a total of 500 points, 50 points for each mid-term, 200 points for homework, and 200 points for the final. To pass with a B or better, you should aim to collect at least 300/500 points.