Society for Research Synthesis Methodology 

 Procedures for Membership

SRSM is a small elective society with a limit of 85 active members. This limitation on size facilitates vigorous participation and interaction at our meetings. Vacancies in the Society occur when (1) an active member becomes inactive by missing three consecutive meetings or fails to pay one year's dues, or (2) an active member becomes an emeritus member by reaching age 65. The Society conducts an annual nomination and election process to fill vacancies. A prospective member may be nominated by an active member or may self-nominate, and then must receive a sufficient number of votes in a vote of the active membership in order to be invited to join the Society. This nomination-election procedure is managed by the Secretary of the Society. Individuals who might be interested in becoming members of SRSM may contact the Secretary for further information, or may discuss possible nomination with a current active member.

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