Recent Publications





Hatton N. “Quiet as It’s Kept: Baldwin and the Question of Privacy.” James Baldwin Review. 2015;1:211–12.


Hatton N. “Global Human Rights and Literature: Imagining a Cosmopolitan Community of Individuals.” In: Globalization in Literature. Bergen, Norway: Fagbokforlaget; 2014. pp. 15–34.


Hatton N. “Ivan Klima: ‘to save my inner world’,’.” In: Stewart J, Stewart J, editors. Kierkegaard Research: Sources, Reception and Resources: Section II: Kierkegaard Reception: Volume 12, Tome V: Kierkegaard’s Influence on Literature, Criticism and Art. Vols. 12. London: Ashgate; 2013.
Hatton N. “James Baldwin: ‘poetic experimentator’ in a chaotic world.” In: Stewart J, Stewart J, editors. Kierkegaard Research: Sources, Reception and Resources: Section II: Kierkegaard Reception: Volume 12, Tome IV: Kierkegaard’s Influence on Literature, Criticism and Art. London: Ashgate; 2013.


Hatton N. “Martin Luther King, Jr.: Kierkegaard’s Works of Love, King’s Strength to Love.” In: Stewart J, Stewart J, editors. Kierkegaard Research: Sources, Reception and Resources: Section II: Kierkegaard Reception: Volume 14: Kierkegaard’s Influence on 
Social-Political Thought. London: Ashgate; 2011.