.: What matters...
We are devoted to the investigation, creation, manipulation, and control of novel solid state materials with superior properties. The thrust of our research is to develop a comprehensive understanding of the interaction mechanisms between quantum structures, with the objective to apply the coupling mechanisms as tools in future quantum technologies. |
.: ...and you?
Undergraduates and Graduates interested in learning about man-made quantum structures are welcome to participate in our group meetings (please sign up for PHYS195/296). We discuss recently published papers relevant to our work, and of course our own research, on-going experiments, data analysis, and interpretations. In Spring 2014 we meet Thursdays at 10:00am in S&E 300. We have many research opportunities available for excited and enthusiastic Undergraduate students! |
.: Lab News
February 2014: February 18th: Our work on Optophononics with coupled quantum dots went online at Nature Communications. See also at UC Merced.
November 2013:
November 25th-26th, 2013: Prof. Scheibner attended and presented at the Quantum Science Sypmosium Asia in Tokyo, Japan.
September-October 2013:
September 26th-28th, 2013: Prof. Scheibner attended and gave an invited talk at 3rd Annual World Congress of Nanoscience and Technology in Xi'An, China.
September 6th, 2013: Prof Scheibner gave a seminar talk at Harvard University.
September 4th-5th, 2013: Prof. Scheibner attended and gave a talk at the Physical Science Symposium in Waltham, MA.
August 2013:
August 14th, 2013: Undergraduate researchers present their summer research posters.
August 9th, 2013: Quianting Chen and Christopher Bush participated in the COINS Research Program poster presentation at UC Merced. Youstina Gad presented as a Leads Scholar at the UC Merced Undergraduate Summer Research Symposium.
July 2013:
July 1st - 5th, 2013: Mark Kerfoot presents a poster at the 20th International Conference on Electronic Properties of Two-Dimensional Systems and the 16th International Conference on Modulated Semiconductor Structures in Wroclaw, Poland.
June 2013:
June 3rd, 2013: Summer Research Kick-Off.
May 2013:
May 29th, 2013: Prof. Scheibner invited to present at Quantum Science Symposium-USA and Quantum Science Symposium-Asia.
May 25th, 2013: Paying respect to Prof. Dr. Dr. hc. mult. Gottfried Landwehr, who passed away on Jan. 23rd 2013, Prof. Scheibner attends the commemoration ceremony in honor of Prof. Dr. Dr. hc. mult. Gottfried Landwehr at the University of Wuerzburg, Germany.
May 23rd, 2013: Prof. Scheibner visits and presents at the University of Hamburg, Germany.
May 17th, 2013: Prof. Scheibner named Hellman Faculty Fellow.
May 14th, 2013: Qianting Chen and Christopher Bush selected for COINS summer internship.
May 10th, 2013: Youstina Gad receives UCLEADS Fellowship.
April 2013:
April 4th, 2013: Dr. Scheibner presented in San Francisco at the Spring 2013 Meeting for the Materials Research Society
March 2013:
March 20th, 2013: During the March 2013 APS meeting our graduate students Mark Kerfoot and Jose Amaral presented their work at the meeting.
.: Research and the Community
2013 Frontiers of Science and Engineering Seminar Series
