Shaking Off the Dark (Tino Villanueva)

Philosophical poems on love, death, memory, alienation, and history, complemented by a final section of politically-committed poems. As suggested by Alfonso Rodríguez in the critical study that accompanies the Bilingual Press edition, if “Hay Otra Voz Poems presents the poet on the threshold of hope, . . . Shaking Off the Dark reveals him in its full illumination” (87).

Poemas de tono filosófico sobre el amor, la muerte, la memoria, la alienación y la historia. La última sescción aporta un grupo de poemas políticos. Como sugiere Alfonso Rodríguez en el estudio que se incluye en la edición de Blingual Press, si “Hay Otra Voz Poems presents the poet on the threshold of hope, . . . Shaking Off the Dark reveals him in its full illumination” (87).

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Created by: Manuel M. Martín-Rodríguez