Life Span (Alma Villanueva)
Austin, TX: Place of Herons Press, 1984

As the title poem puts it, this book is about “the / one day / life span / granted: but / what a / day it /was.” Villanueva celebrates nature, womanhood, and passion. Like Juana de Ibarbourou before her, the poet also vows to be an “Escandalosa” when confronting patriarchy and patriarchal attitudes.

Como sugiere el poema que le da título, este libro trata de “the / one day / life span / granted: but / what a / day it /was”. Villanueva canta a la naturaleza, a la mujer y a la pasión. Como ya hiciera Juana de Ibarbourou antes que ella, Villanueva promete ser una "Escandalosa" a la hora de enfrentarse con el patriarcado.

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Created by: Manuel M. Martín-Rodríguez