Novel; English / Novela; Inglés
My first young adult novel, SAMMY AND JULIANA IN HOLLYWOOD is set in the late 60’s and follows Sammy and his friends as they deal with racism, poverty, their
own violence pointed at each other and the Vietnam war. Hollywood is the name of their barrio and this book is a tribute to my growing up years (the actual
barrio was called Beverly Hills). It remains one of the books I am proudest of having written and it contains some of my finest writing. AND it remains my
most honest assesment of racism as it affected young Mexican-Americans in the late sixties. Cinco Puntos published this book introducing me as a Young adult
author. My gratitude to Bobby and Lee Byrd. (Benjamin Alire Sáenz, June 21, 2021)
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Created by: Manuel M. Martín-Rodríguez
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