My Father Was a Toltec (Ana Castillo)
Novato, CA: West EndPress, 1988

First published in 1988, then released in 1995 in an expanded edition that included poems from Castillo's previous books as well as some new ones. The titles of the different sections (of the expanded edition) will give an idea of its contents: "The Toltec," "La heredera," "Ixtacihuatl Died in Vain," "In My Country," "Women Are Not Roses," "The Invitation," "Otro canto," and "Five Random Arrows." In English with some poems in Spanish.

Tras la primera edición de 1988, el libro se volvió a publicar con poemas añadidos de libros anteriores de la autora, así como algunos nuevos. Los títulos de las secciones de la versión aumentada darán una idea de los contenidos del libro: "The Toltec," "La heredera," "Ixtacihuatl Died in Vain," "In My Country," "Women Are Not Roses," "The Invitation," "Otro canto," y "Five Random Arrows." En inglés, con algunos poemas en español.

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Created by: Manuel M. Martín-Rodríguez