Children's Book Press

García, Richard. My Aunt Otilia's Spirits / Los espíritus de mi tía Otilia. San Francisco: Children's Book Press, 1978.

García, Richard. My Aunt Otilia's Spirits / Los espíritus de mi tía Otilia. 1978. San Francisco: Children's Book Press, 1978.

García, María. The Adventures of Connie and Diego. San Francisco: Children's Book Press, 1987.

García, Richard. My Aunt Otilia's Spirits / Los espíritus de mi tía Otilia. 1978. San Francisco: Children's Book Press, 1987.

Lomas Garza, Carmen. Family Pictures. San Francisco: Children's Book Press, 1990.

Anzaldúa, Gloria E. Friends from the Other Side. San Francisco: Children's Book Press, 1993.

García, María. The Adventures of Connie and Diego. 1987. San Francisco: Children Books press, 1987.

Alarcón, Francisco X. Laughing Tomatoes and Other Spring Poems / Jitomates risueños y otros poemas de primavera. San Francisco: Children's Book Press, 1997.

Alarcón, Francisco X. From the Bellybutton of the Moon and Other Summer Poems / Del ombligo de la luna y otros poemas de verano. San Francisco: Children's Book Press, 1998.

Alarcón, Francisco X. Angels Ride Bikes and Other Fall Poems / Los ángeles andan en bicicleta. San Francisco: Children's Book Press, 1999.

Alarcón, Francisco X. Iguanas in the Snow and Other Winter Poems / Iguanas en la nieve y otros poemas de invierno. San Francisco: Children's Book Press, 2001.

Alarcón, Francisco X. Animal Poems of the Iguazú / Animalario del Iguazú. San Francisco: Children's Book Press, 2008.

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Created by: Manuel M. Martín-Rodríguez