V. Castro

Castro, V. Hairspray and Switchblades. N. p.: Unnerving, 2020.

Castro, V. Sed de sangre. N. p.: Kindle, 2020.

Castro, V. Goddess of Filth. Brooklyn, NY: Creature Publishing, 2021.

Castro, V. Queen of the Cicadas / La reina de las chicharras. London: Flame Tree Press, 2021.

Castro, V. Aliens. Vásquez. Titan Books, 2022.

Castro, V. Mestiza Blood. London: Flame Tree Press, 2022.

Castro, V. Out of Aztlan. Brooklyn, NY: Creature Publishing, 2022.

Castro, V. The Haunting of Alejandra. New York: Random House Worlds, 2023.

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Created by: Manuel M. Martín-Rodríguez