Anthologies / Antologías, 1985-2020

Arellano, Anselmo, ed. Las Vegas Grandes on the Gallinas, 1835-1985. Las Vegas, NM: Editorial Telaraña, 1985.

Detroit: La Onda Latina en Poesía / Latin Sounds in Poetry. Detroit, MI: Casa de Unidad, 1985.

Merienda tejana. Austin, TX: Relámpago Books Press, 1985.

Villanueva, Tino, ed. Chicanos: Selección. México: Fondo de Cultura Económica, 1985.

Binder, Wolfgang, ed. Contemporary Chicano Poetry: An Anthology. Erlangen (Germany): Verlag Palm & Enke, 1986.

Brookman, Philip, and Guillermo Gómez-Peña, eds. Made in Aztlán. San Diego, CA: Tolteca Publications, 1986.

Gaona, María Eugenia, ed. Antología de la literatura chicana. México: Centro de Enseñanza para Extranjeros, UNAM, 1986.

García-Camarillo, Cecilio, Joy Harjo, E. A. Mares, and Jim Sagel. And the Ground Spoke.... San Antonio, TX: Guadalupe Cultural Arts Center, 1986.
Cover: Al Rendón.

Palley, Julián, ed. Best New Chicano Literature, 1986. Binghamton, NY: Bilingual Press, 1986.

Elizondo, Sergio D., Armando Armengol, and Ricardo Aguilar, eds. Palabra nueva: Cuentos chicanos II. El Paso: Dos Pasos, 1987.

Gamboa, Manazar, ed. No Magi for Me. Venice, CA: L. A. Theatre Works, 1987.
Cover: May Sun.

García, Nasario, ed. Recuerdos de los viejitos: Tales of the Río Puerco. Albuquerque: University of New Mexico Press, 1987.

González-T., César A., and Luis Alberto Urrea, eds. Fragmentos de barro. San Diego: Tolteca Publications, 1987.

Miguélez, Armando, and María Sandoval, eds. Jauja: Método integral de español para bilingües. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall, 1987.

Norwood, Vera, and Janice Monk, eds. The Desert is no Lady: Southwestern Landscapes in Women's Writing and Art. New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 1987.

Onda Latina en poesía-Detroit, La / Latin Sounds in Poetry, II. Detroit, MI: Casa de Unidad, 1987.

Veinberg, Jon, and Ernesto Trejo, eds. Piecework: 19 Fresno Poets. Albany, CA: Silver Skates Publishing, 1987.

Bruce-Novoa, Juan, and José Guillermo Saavedra, eds. Antología retrospectiva del cuento chicano. México: Consejo Nacional de Población, 1988.

Hernández, Lisa, and Tina Benítez, eds. Palabras chicanas: An Undergraduate Anthology. Berkeley, CA: Mujeres en Lucha, 1988.

Moraga, Cherríe, and Gloria E. Anzaldúa, eds. This Bridge Called My Back: Writings by Radical Women of Color. 1981. New York: Kitchen Table Press / Women of Color, 1988.

Poole, Ninfa Gámez, ed. A Children’s Anthology / Una antología de niños. San Antonio: MandA Publications, 1988.

Rebolledo, Tey Diana, Erlinda Gonzales-Berry, and María Teresa Márquez, eds. Las mujeres hablan: An Anthology of Nuevo Mexican Writers. Albuquerque: El Norte, 1988.

Soto, Gary, ed. California Childhood: Recollections and Stories of the Golden State. Berkeley, CA: Creative Arts Book Co., 1988.

Three Memoirs of Mexican California as recorded in 1877 by Thomas Savage (or under his supervision). Berkeley, CA: Friends of the Bancroft Library, 1988.
Cover: No information stated.

Vailakis, Ivón Gordon, ed. Irvine Chicano Literary Prize 1985-1987. Irvine, CA: University of California, Irvine, 1988.

Villegas, Juan, and Julie Foraker, eds. Irvine Chicano Literary Prize 1987-1988. Irvine, CA: University of California, Irvine, 1988.

Emergency Tacos: Seven Poets con Picante. Chicago: MARCH/Abrazo Press, 1989.

Huerta, Jorge A., ed. Necessary Theater: Six Plays About the Chicano Experience. Houston: Arte Público Press, 1989.

Jones, David R., ed. New Mexico Plays. Albuquerque: University of New Mexico Press, 1989.

Mireles, Óscar, ed. I Didn’t Know There Were Latinos in Wisconsin: An Anthology of Hispanic Poetry. Milwaukee: Friends of the Hispanic Community, 1989.

Palley, Julián, ed. Best New Chicano Literature, 1989. Binghamton, NY: Bilingual Press, 1989.

Poole, Ninfa Gámez, ed. A Children’s Anthology / Una antología de niños. Vol. II. San Antonio: MandA Publications, 1989.

Anzaldúa, Gloria E., ed. Making Face, Making Soul/Haciendo Caras: Creative and Critical Perspectives by Women of Color. San Francisco: Aunt Lute, 1990.

Bacchiega, Franca, ed. Sotto il Quinto Sole: Antologia di poeti chicani. Firenze: Passigli, 1990.

Tatum, Charles, ed. Mexican American Literature. Orlando, FL: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1990.

Trujillo, Charley, ed. Soldados Chicanos in Vietnam. San José, CA: Chusma House, 1990.

Álvarez, Gloria E., ed. Espejo-Voz / Mirror-Voice. Los Ángeles: El Juglar, 1991.

Christian, Karen, ed. Irvine Chicano Literary Prize, 1988-1989 / 1989-1990. Irvine, CA: University of California, Irvine, 1991.

García, Anthony J., ed. Su Teatro: 20 Years Anthology. Denver: El Centro-Su Teatro, 1991.

González-T., César A., and Luis Alberto Urrea, eds. Fragmentos de barro, VIII: The Eigth Chicano Studies Literary Contest. San Diego: San Diego Mesa College, 1991.

Pino, Cecilia, and Ricardo Aguilar Melantzón, eds. Cuento chicano (antología). Montevideo: Signos, 1991.

Trujillo, Carla, ed. Chicana Lesbians: The Girls Our Mothers Warned Us About. Berkeley, CA: Third Woman Press, 1991.

Aguilar Melantzón, Ricardo, and Cecilia Pino, eds. Antología del cuento chicano. Toluca: Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México, 1992.

Anglesey, Zoé, ed. Word Up! Hope for Youth: Poetry from El Centro de la Raza. Seattle: El Centro de la Raza, 1992.

Feyder, Linda, ed. Shattering the Myth: Plays by Hispanic Women. Houston: Arte Público Press, 1992.

García, Nasario, ed. Abuelitos: Stories of the Río Puerco Valley. Albuquerque: University of New Mexico Press, 1992.

González, Ray, ed. Without Discovery: A Native Response to Columbus. Seattle: Broken Moon Press, 1992.

Martín, Patricia Preciado, ed. Songs My Mother Sang to Me: An Oral History of Mexican American Women. Tucson, AZ: University of Arizona Press, 1992.

Menton, Seymour, and María Herrera-Sobek, eds. Saga de México. Tempe, AZ: Bilingual Press, 1992.

Poey, Delia, and Virgil Suárez, eds. Iguana Dreams: New Latino Fiction. New York: HarperCollins, 1992.

Tatum, Charles M., ed. New Chicana/Chicano Writing, 1. Tucson: University of Arizona Press, 1992.

Tatum, Charles M., ed. New Chicana/Chicano Writing, 2. Tucson: University of Arizona Press, 1992.

Aguilar, Ricardo, ed. Cuento chicano del siglo XX: Breve antología. México: Coyoacán, 1993.

Augenbraum, Harold, and Ilan Stavans, eds. Growing Up Latino: Memoirs and Stories. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1993.

Augenbraum, Harold, and Ilan Stavans, eds. Growing Up Latino: Memoirs and Stories. Boston: Mariner Books, 1993.

Benavides, Rosamel, ed. Antología de cuentistas chicanas: Estados Unidos, de los '60 a los '90. Santiago de Chile: Editorial Cuarto Propio, 1993.

Benjamin-Labarthe, Elyette, ed. Vous avez dit Chicano: Anthologie thématique de poésie chicano. Talence: Éditions de la Maison des Sciences de l’Homme d’Aquitaine, 1993.
Cover: Willie Herrón.

De Hoyos, Ángela, ed. Mujeres grandes. San Antonio, TX: M&A Publications, 1993.

Kanellos, Nicolás, ed. Short Fiction by Hispanic Writers of the United States. Houston: Arte Público Press, 1993.

López, Tiffany Ana, ed. Growing Up Chicana/o. New York: Morrow, 1993.

Olivares, Julián, ed. Cuentos hispanos de los Estados Unidos. Houston: Arte Público Press, 1993.

Rebolledo, Tey Diana, and Eliana S. Rivero, eds. Infinite Divisions: An Anthology of Chicana Literature. Tucso: University of Arizona Press, 1993.

Sánchez, Elba Rosario, ed. From Silence to Howl. Santa Cruz: Moving Parts Press, 1993.
Cover: José Antonio Burciaga.

Tashlik, Phyllis, ed. Hispanic, Female and Young. Houston: Arte Público Press, 1993.

Tatum, Charles M., ed. New Chicana/Chicano Writing, 3. Tucson: University of Arizona Press, 1993.

Algarín, Miguel, and Bob Holman, eds. Aloud: Voices from the Nuyorican Poets Cafe. New York: Henry Holt, 1994.

Bus, Heiner, and Ana Castillo, eds. Recent Chicano Poetry: Neueste Chicano-Lyrik. Bamberg: Bamberger Editionen, 1994.

Carlson, Lori M., ed. Cool Salsa: Bilingual Poems on Growing Up Latino in the United States. New York: Henry Holt, 1994.

Carlson, Lori M., ed. Cool Salsa: Bilingual Poems on Growing Up Latino in the United States. New York: Fawcett Juniper, 1994.

González, Ray, ed. Currents from the Dancing River: Contemporary Latino Fiction, Nonfiction, and Poetry. New York: Harcourt Brace, 1994.

Kanellos, Nicolás, ed. Hispanic American Literature: A Brief Introduction and Anthology. New York: HarperCollins, 1994.

Negrón-Muntaner, Frances, ed. Shouting in a Whisper / Los límites del silencio: Latino Poetry in Philadelphia. Santiago de Chile: Asterión, 1994.

Ramos, Juanita, ed. Compañeras: Latina Lesbians. New York: Latina Lesbian History Project, 1994.

Sánchez, Elba Rosario, ed. Lenguas sueltas: Poemas. Santa Cruz, CA: Moving Parts Press, 1994.
Cover: No information stated.

Carlson, Lori M., ed. Cool Salsa: Bilingual Poems on Growing Up Latino in the United States. 1994. New York: Ballantine, 1995.

Castillo-Speed, Lillian, ed. Latina: Women's Voices from the Borderlands. New York: Simon and Schuster, 1995.

Galván, Alicia Z., ed. A Fountain of Words. San Antonio: Alamo Writers Unlimited, 1995.

Martín Rodríguez, Manuel M., ed. La voz urgente: Antología de literatura chicana en español. Madrid: Fundamentos, 1995.

Milligan, Bryce, Mary Guerrero Milligan, and Angela de Hoyos, eds. Daughters of the Fifth Sun. New York: Riverhead, 1995.

Williams, Jeanie C., and Victor di Suvero, eds. Saludos! Poemas de Nuevo México / Poems of New Mexico. Tesuque, NM: Pennywhistle Press, 1995.

Hernández, Manuel de J., and David W. Foster, eds. Literatura chicana, 1965-1995. New York: Garland, 1996.

Milligan, Bryce, ed. Corazón del norte. Dallas: Bath House Press, 1996.

Perkins, Kathy A., and Roberta Uno, eds. Contemporary Plays by Women of Color. New York: Taylor & Francis, 1996.

Rosa, Jaime B., ed. Antología de poesía chicana. Madrid: Huerga & Fierro, 1996.

Yogi, Stan, ed. Highway 99: A Literary Journey through California's Great Central Valley. Berkeley, CA: Heyday Boks, 1996.

Augenbraum, Harold, and Margarite Fernández Olmos, eds. The Latino Reader: An American Literary Tradition from 1542 to the Present. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1997.

Augenbraum, Harold, and Margarite Fernández Olmos, eds. The Latino Reader: An American Literary Tradition from 1542 to the Present. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1997.

Bacchiega, Franca, ed. Sotto il Quinto Sole: Antologia di poeti chicani. 1990. Milano: Fabbri, 1997.

Hernández, Manuel de J., and David W. Foster, eds. Literatura chicana, 1965-1995. 1996. New York: Garland, 1997.

Maffi, Mario, ed. Voci di frontiera : Scritture dei latinos negli Stati Uniti. Milano: Feltrinelli, 1997.

Cortina, Rodolfo, ed. Hispanic American Literature: An Anthology. Lincolnwood, IL: NTC, 1998.

Flores, Lauro, ed. The Floating Borderlands: Twenty-five Years of U.S. Hispanic Literature. Seattle: University of Washington Press, 1998.

Mariscal, George, ed. Aztlán and Vietnam: Chicano and Chicana Experiences of the War. Berkeley, CA: University of California Press, 1999.

Martín Rodríguez, Manuel M., ed. La voz urgente: Antología de literatura chicana en español. 1995. Madrid: Fundamentos, 1999.

Mireles, Óscar, ed. I Didn’t Know There Were Latinos in Wisconsin: 30 Hispanic Writers. Madison, WI: Focus Communications, 1999.

Rosa, Jaime B., ed. Los vasos comunicantes: Antología de poesía chicana. Madrid: Huerga & Fierro, 1999.

Ratliff, Ánjela, ed. Voces: Austin Hispanic Writers Mini Anthology, 1998-1999. Austin: Cielo Publications, 1999.

Torres, Larry, ed. Six Nuevomexicano Folk Dramas for Advent Season. Albuquerque: University of New Mexico Press, 1999.

De la Torre, Stephanie, ed. The Taco Shop Poets. San Diego, CA: Chorizo Tonguefire, 2000.

Latino Plays from South Coast Repertory. New York: Broadway Play Publishing Inc., 2000.

Sandoval-Sánchez, Alberto, and Nancy Saporta Sternbach, eds. Puro Teatro: A Latina Anthology. Tucson: University of Arizona Press, 2000.

Cárdenas, Brenda, and Johanny Vázquez Paz, eds. Between the Heart and the Land / Entre el corazón y la tierra: Latina Poets in the Midwest. Chicago: MARCH/Abrazo Press, 2001.

Johnson, Rob, ed. Fantasmas: Supernatural Stories by Mexican American Writers. Tempe, AZ: Bilingual Press, 2001.

Moraga, Cherríe, and Gloria E. Anzaldúa, eds. This Bridge Called My Back: Writings by Radical Women of Color. 1981. Berkeley, CA: Third Woman Press, 2001.

Arellano, José Manuel, ed. Poesía de mi pueblo. Las Vegas, NM: Editorial Telaraña, 2002.

Kanellos, Nicolás, ed. En otra voz: Antología de literatura hispana de los Estados Unidos. Houston: Arte Público Press, 2002.

Kanellos, Nicolás, ed. Herencia: The Anthology of Hispanic Literature of the United States. New York: Oxford University Press, 2002.

Río, Eduardo R. del, ed. The Prentice Hall Anthology of Latino Literature. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall, 2002.

Miller, Tom, ed. Writing on the Edge: A Borderlands Reader. Tucson: University of Arizona Press, 2003.

Miller-Lachmann, Lynn, ed. Once Upon a Cuento. Willimantic, CT: Curbstone Press, 2003.

Rivera, Marlitza, et al. Raztlán: The Cuadras of My Hood, Chicago, Illinoize. Chicago: Native Voices, 2003.

Beltrán, Raymond R., et al., eds. ¿Under What Bandera? Anti-War Ofrendas from Minnesota y Califas. San Diego: Red CalacArts, 2004.
Cover: Sal Barakas; Ricardo Levins Morales.

Herrera y Lozano, Lorenzo, ed. Queer Codex: Chile Love. Austin, TX: ALLGO/Evelyn Street Press, 2004.

Munkelt, Marga, ed. Mexican American Short Stories. Stuttgart: Reclam, 2004.

Noriega, Chon, and Wendy Belcher, eds. I Am Aztlán: The Personal Essay in Chicano Studies. Los Ángeles: UCLA-Chicano Studies Research Center, 2004.

Ramos, Juanita, ed. Compañeras: Latina Lesbians (An Anthology). New York: Latina Lesbian History Project, 2004.

Barrio Writers: Empowering Teens Through Creative Writing. Nacogdoches, TX: Stephen F. Austin University Press, 2005.
Cover: Jimmy Prieto.

Family Stories: Cuentos familiares. South Pasadena, CA: Lectura Books, 2005.

Joysmith, Claire, and Clara Lomas, eds. One Wound for Another / Una herida por otra. CISAN-Colorado College-Whittier College, 2005.

Ochoa, Edna, ed. Líneas desde el Golfo. Houston: LACASA, 2005.

Aguilar, Ricardo, ed. Cuento chicano del siglo XX. México: Ediciones y Gráficos Eón, 2006.

Christie, John S., and José B. González, eds. Latino Boom: An Anthology of U.S. Latino Literature. New York: Pearson Longman, 2006.

García, Cristina, ed. Bordering Fires: The Vintage Book of Contemporary Mexican and Chicano/a Literature. New York: Vintage Books, 2006.

Martín Rodríguez, Manuel M., ed. La voz urgente: Antología de literatura chicana en español. 1995. Madrid: Fundamentos, 2006.

Ratliff, Ánjela, ed. The Latino Soul Family: A Look into the Soul behind the Stories. Austin, TX: Alturas Press, 2006.

Ratliff, Ánjela, ed. Mujeres morenas. Austin, TX: Alturas Press, 2006.

García, Cristina, ed. Voces sin fronteras: Antología Vintage Español de literatura mexicana y chicana contemporánea. New York: Vintage Books, 2007.

Villar Raso, Manuel, et al., eds. A Glimpse of Chicano Literature: An Anthology. Granada: Universidad de Granada, 2007.

Clemot, Fernando, and Klaus Zilles, eds. En la frontera: I migliori racconti della narrativa chicana. Milano: Gran Via, 2008.

Fetta, Stephanie, ed. The Chicano/Latino Literary Prize: An Anthology of Prize-Winning Fiction, Poetry, and Drama. Houston: Arte Público Press, 2008.

García, Laura E., ed. Teatro Chicana: A Collective Memoir and Selected Plays. Austin: University of Texas Press, 2008.

Herrera y Lozano, Lorenzo, ed. Queer Codex: Rooted!. Austin: ALLGO/ Evelyn Street Press, 2008.

Latino Writers Collective. Primera página. Kansas City, MO: Cucui Press, 2008. [cover shown for the 2nd ed., 2013]

Olivas, Daniel A., ed. Latinos in Lotusland: An Anthology of Contemporary Southern California Literature. Tempe, AZ: Bilingual Review Press, 2008.

Xavier, Emanuel, ed. Mariposas: A Modern Anthology of Queer Latino Poetry. Floricanto Press, 2008.

García, Anthony J., ed. Su Teatro: 20 Years Anthology. 1991. Denver: El Centro-Su Teatro, 2009.

Latino Writers Collective. Cuentos del centro: Stories from the Latino Heartland. Scapegoat Press, 2009.

Herrera, Spencer R., ed. Before/Beyond Borders: An Anthology of Chicano/a Literature. Dubuque, IA: Kendall Hunt, 2010.

Pinate, Marc David, ed. La Lunada: An Anthology Celebrating Sixty Full Moons of Spoken-Word Poetry at Galería de la Raza 2004-2010. N.p.: CreateSpace, 2010.

Stavans, Ilan, et al., eds. The Norton Anthology of Latino Literature. New York: Norton, 2010.

Rice-González, Charles, and Charlie Vázquez, eds. From Macho to Mariposa: New Gay Latino Fiction. Maple Shade NJ: Tincture, 2011.

Valdez, Mica, ed. Turtle Island to Abya Yala: A Love Anthology of Art and Poetry by Native American and Latina Women. San Francisco: Malinalli, 2011.

Luis, William, ed. Looking Out, Looking In: Anthology of Latino Poetry. Houston: Arte Público Press, 2012.

Nahualliandoing Dos: An Anthology Poetry in Nahuatl, Español, and English. San Antonio: Aztlan Libre Press, 2012.

Rivera, Santino J., ed. ¡Ban this! The BSP Anthology of Xican@ Literature. St. Augustine, FL: Broken Sword Publications, 2012.

Carlson, Lori M., ed. Cool Salsa: Bilingual Poems on Growing Up Latino in the United States. 1994. New York: Square Fish, 2013.

Cortez, Sarah, and Sergio Troncoso, eds. Our Lost Border: Essays on Life Amid the Narco-Violence. Houston: Arte Público Press, 2013.

Martínez Cruz, Paloma, and Diana Pando, eds. Rebeldes. Chicago: Proyecto Latina, 2013.

Giménez-Smith, Carmen, and John M. Chávez, eds. Angels of the Americlypse: An Anthology of New Latin@ Writing. Denver: Counterpart, 2014.

Mireles, Óscar, ed. I Didn’t Know There Were Latinos in Wisconsin: Three Decades of Hispanic Writing. Middleton, WI: Cowfeather Press, 2014.

Olszanski, Fernando, and José Castro Urioste, eds. Trasfondos: Antología de narradores en español del medio oeste norteamericano. N.p.: Ars Communis, 2014.

Santino, J. Rivera, ed. Lowriting : Shots, Rides & Stories from the Chicano Soul. St. Augustine, FL: Broken Sword Publications, 2014.

Valdez, John Eduardo, ed. En Aztlán: A Collection of Short Stories, Poems, and Images from Palomar College MEChA. Carlsbad, CA: WPR, 2014.

Inestrillas, Mar, and Emma Sepúlveda Pulvirenti, eds. From Snowcaps to Desert Flats: An Anthology of Latino Writers in Nevada. University of Nevada Press, 2015.

Moraga, Cherríe, and Gloria E. Anzaldúa, eds. This Bridge Called My Back: Writings by Radical Women of Color. 1981. Albany, NY: State University of New York Press, 2015.

Banerjee, Neelanjana, Daniel A. Olivas and Rubén J. Rodríguez, eds. Coiled Serpents: Poets Arising from the Cultural Quakes and Shifts of Los Angeles. Tía Chucha Press, 2016.

García, Sarah R. and Mónica Teresa Ortiz, eds. Pariahs. San Fancisco: Austin Up, 2016.

Gilb, Dagoberto, and Ricardo Ángel Gilb, eds. Mexican American Literature: A Portable Anthology. Bedford-St. Martin's Press, 2016.

Goldwin, Matthew David, ed. Latin@ Rising: An Anthology of Latin@ Science Fiction and Fantasy. San Antonio: Wings Press, 2016.

Gutiérrez y Muhs, Gabriella, ed. Corazón y una lengua peregrina: Poesía y narrativa. 39 West Press, 2016.

Olszanski, Fernando, and José Castro Urioste, eds. Trasfondos: Antología de narradores en español del medio oeste norteamericano. 2014. N.p.: Ars Communis, 2016.

Alarcón, Francisco X., et al., eds. Poetry in Flight / Poesía en vuelo: Anthology in Celebration of El Tecolote. San Francisco: Acción Latina, 2017.

Mireles, Óscar, ed. I Didn’t Know There Were Latinos in Wisconsin: 20 Hispanic Poets, Vol. 1. N.p.: Focus Communications, 2017.

Pérez, Juan Manuel, and Malia A. Pérez, eds. The Call of the Chupacabra. N.p.: CreateSpace, 2017.

Poets Against War & Racism / Poetas contra la guerra y el racismo. Oakland, CA: Xingao, 2017.
Cover: Arnoldo García; Guillermo Prado.

Poets Facing the Wall. Mission, TX: The Raving Press, 2018.

Boffone, Trevor, et al., eds. Encuentro: Latinx Performance for the New American Theater. Evanston, IL: Northwestern University Press, 2019.

Castillo, Amanda Salcido, and Patricia Preciado Martín, eds. Recuerdos y recetas: Memories & Recipes of the Mexicano Families of Rancho de la Canoa. Tucson: Pima County, 2019.

Cruz, Cynthia, eds. Other Musics: New Latina Poetry. Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 2019.

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Created by: Manuel M. Martín-Rodríguez