Your visual Chicano/a book cover bibliography is fantastic! Thanks so much for working on this important project. There were
a lot of older books I was not acquainted with. Hopefully you will be adding to this excellent visual bibliography.
María Herrera-Sobek, University of California, Santa Barbara
Excellent page, I love it!
Alicia Alarcón
I love this! I plan to use this with my Intro to World Lit students to provide them with a sense of the depth and breadth of Chicana/o lit and as a finding aid for students developing
presentations in this area.
Ashley Pérez, Ohio State University
This is so awesome! Many thanks for starting this.
Jose F. Aranda, Jr., Rice University
Muchas gracias por trabajar en este excelente recurso y sobre todo por compartirlo. Con tu permiso lo re-envío a mis estudiantes y colegas.
Dulce Estévez, Arizona State University
Mil gracias por tu generosidad.
Rafael E. Saumell, Sam Houston State University
Muchas gracias y felicidades, qué interesante espacio; lo veré con más detenimiento.
Gerardo Salvador González Lara, Instituto Tecnológico de Monterrey (México)
I do hope to see all of Ana Castillo's titles, found Sandra Cisneros' collection very impressive.
Carlos Cumpián
Te felicito por esta obra DIFERENTE e INTERESANTE que estás llevando a cabo.
Justo S. Alarcón, Arizona State University
What a gift from Manuel M. Martin-Rodriguez: book-cover art becomes a visual bibliography. Click on a year, and there's even more!
Kirsten Silva Gruesz, University of California, Santa Cruz
Gracias, Manuel M. Martin-Rodriguez! what a great project. Felicidades!
Norma Elia Cantú
What an excellent resource! I'll share with colleagues and students at Cal.
Raúl Coronado, University of California, Berkeley
Me parece un proyecto importantísimo. Le pediré a Daniel Fernández que lo difunda entre los miembros de la ANLE.
Gerardo Piña-Rosales, Academia Norteamericana de la Lengua Española
Good work, important resource.
Dorinda Moreno
Thank you for sharing with us your web page on a Visual History on Chicano/a Literature. It is quite unique--informative and attractive.
Francisco Jiménez
Mis más sinceras felicitaciones. Es un recurso magnífico. Y además de su utilidad es visualmente muy atractivo. He estado navegando por él y sin duda lo voy
a recomendar con frecuencia a los colegas
Pura Fernández, Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (Spain)
Wow!!! qué maravilla tu trabajo en esto!!! yo he trabajado con las portadas de libros pues es una manera de que la gente aquí pueda entender mucho de las
chicanidades; es una maravilla, y gracias por compartir. Un abrazo desde México!
Claire Joysmith, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México
Querido MMR, qué buen trabajo has logrado, y espero le sigas dando al trabajo a todo mecate, con el corazón enorme que nos lo dedicas siempre!
Margarita Cota-Cárdenas
Wow. So much work! Gracias
Ana Pomar, Texas State University
I just wanted to say that I love your project! It is wonderful to be able to see these covers and to get a visual
impression of the literature that has been published throughout the years. This is a great resource for scholars and
students. Thank you for doing this!
Lourdes Torres, DePaul University
Your project is a needed source of information on Chicana/o literature.
Teresa Márquez
I was impressed with your collection of books written by Chicano, Latinx, and Hispanic authors since the 1940s.
Jim Estrada
José Pablo Villalobos, Texas A&M University
Wow. What a great idea!
Melissa Moreno, Woodland Community College
Manuel, this is really fantastic. Thanks for sending along this great resource!
Felipe Hinojosa, Texas A&M University
Thank you so much for this Visual History, Manuel! It is a valuable and wonderful addition to the history of Chicano/Chicana
Denise Chávez
Felicitaciones, Manuel, se ve muy bien.
María Cecilia Colombi, University of California, Davis
Buenos dias profesor; Hoy vi en un post de la profesora Norma Cantú sobre Ernesto Galarza. Y luego vi el suyo. Y descubrí su página sobre Visual History sobre Chicano Literature. Felicitaciones.
Martín Vélez Salas, San Antonio, TX
Me llegó la referencia de tu nuevo trabajo sobre la historia visual de la literatura chicana y me parece fantástico. Quería mandarte mis felicitaciones.
Isabel Díaz. Universidad de Alicante (Spain)
Qué trabajo estupendo! Mil gracias por compartir.
Dolores Prades, Emilia Institute (Brazil)
Never a dull moment with you! This should prove quite useful, and I see the Rechy covers are already getting some attention :)
Beth Hernandez-Jason, University of California, Santa Cruz
Muchísimas gracias Manuel por esta maravilla!!
Marisa Belausteguigoitia Rius, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México
This is great. Thank you for sharing these wonderful images (book covers) and resources with us. It makes me want to scan some of the first printings of Chicano/a books that I have collected over the years.
Juan Delgado, California State University, San Bernardino
Manuel, this compilation is great! i'll keep an eye on it.
Yuyi Morales
Your visual history of Chicano literature is very impressive! I've been interested in/collected/bought/sold Chicano lit. for
many years, and there are a lot of titles you show that I've never seen. Very useful! Congratulations.
John D. Randall
¡¡Es una maravilla!! I want to share it with the world and with our Diversity Task Force for the American Bookseller's Association. It's really
incredible! ¡Te felicito!
Denise Chávez
Me parece muy útil y además visualmente muy atractivo. Very innovative use of technology. Who said that learning has to be boring?
Carmen Salazar
Please continue this great work in constructing this bibliography. I like the visual quality, and I think it is helpful to students.
Alma Rosa Álvarez, Southern Oregon University
I LOVE that you have the original RED cover for 'BLOODROOT,' and also 'MOTHER, MAY I?' which reprinted in 'PLANET'...I haven't seen these original
covers in years, GRACIAS.
Alma L. Villanueva
You have done a magnificent job in this collection of first editions in Chicano-a literature, querido Manuel! Gracias, Gracias!
Lucha Corpi
Wonderful collection and much needed development with regards providing the book covers and author's biographies. Thank you a million times over professor for your deep dedication to
documentation of our literary canon and its many confluences over the past decades. . . . Thank you for all you did with my long time friends Ana Castillo and Sandra Cisneros.
Carlos Cumpián
Your site is AMAZING! I'm a Chicana writer from Denver. I was searching for information on Cleofas Jaramillo and came across your visual history of
Chicana/o Literature. What a fantastic resource. I'm very pleased you created this for scholars and more. Thank you.
Kali Fajardo-Anstine
It looks terrific!!!
Antonio María Martín Rodríguez, Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria (Spain)
Wow, phenomenal! Thank you so much for this. I hope you present the project soon at some venue to showcase your public humanities work in Latinx/Chicanx literatures.
Lázaro Lima, University of Richmond
This is simply spectacular and astonishingly beautiful... to make an illuminated bibliography as it were with full color representations of book covers! I am honored to be included.
Ivan Argüelles
Outstanding reference site Manuel!
Charles Mariano
Very impressive research, and a great contribution to learning and motivating to study the literary past.
Juan Villegas, University of California, Irvine
I use this in my class.
Vanessa Fonseca-Chávez, Arizona State University
Julián Olivares, University of Houston
Ylce Irizarry, University of South Florida
Wow! This is just stunning. So many books! What an achievement.
Kathleen Alcalá
The updated website looks phenomenal! I shared your website with my editor and design team at Random House back when I first discovered it. Everyone was blown away. I love that you've taken the
time and care to archive these special covers and their books.
Kali Fajardo-Anstine
Ewa Antoszek, Maria Curie-Sklodowska University (Poland)
Me parece una herrramienta muy últil para investigadores y para lectores en general. Ya he accedido en varias ocasiones para diversas consultas.
José Manuel Rodríguez Herrera, Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria (Spain)
Dear Manuel: Thank you for sending us Visual History of Chicano/a/x Literature website. It is most impressive.
Francisco Jiménez
Increíble, Manuel! Me encanta tu lista de libros... Voy a estudiarla.
Juan Felipe Herrera
Me gusta mucho la Historia Visual de la Literatura Chicana. Es un lugar estratégico para el acceso y difusión de contenido chicano. En un mundo cada vez más globalizado, las bibliotecas virtuales pueden hacer que las desigualdades se
Eloy Villar Argaiz (Spain)
I love the set up. It's so easy to access and has great information. I will look into the Damn, Sam one under the 1987. I love it. I am exploring
which one to dive into...
Lucero Soto, San Juan Unified School District, CA
I just want to sincerely thank you for all that you have done to document our poets and writers.
Carlos Cumpián
Just to let you know I loved your "Visual History" series.
Carlos Morton, University of California, Santa Bárbara
FELICITACIONES! Y gracias por tu excelente trabajo.
Norma Klahn, University of California, Santa Cruz
¡No sabes qué alegría me dio toparme con tu historia visual de la lit. chicano/a/x . . . ¡Qué buena idea!
Armando Miguélez, Academic Language Institute (Spain)
Elsa Leticia García Argüelles, Universidad Autónoma de Zacatecas
This digital source is wonderful. . . . This is a wonderful resource and tool for students. It gives them exposure to writers that came before.
Luis Cuauhtémoc Berriozábal
I've had so much fun looking at the website. What a resource!
René Saldaña, Jr.
This is amazing.
Richard Soto, Chicano Research Center, Stockton, CA
What a wonderful project!
Stephanie Elizondo Griest, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
What amazing work you're doing; te felicito . . . Y es increíble lo que has hecho... we all appreciate it tanto!
Gloria L. Velásquez, Cal Poly
Felicidades por este trabajo maravilloso que haces.
Martín Camps, University of the Pacific
Muy impresionante! The Visual history is a knockout!
Iván Argüelles, Berkeley
Excelente trabajo.
Oscar Somoza, University of Denver
Te felicito por la labor ingente que estás realizando sobre nuestra literatura. Una obra fenomenal.
Alfonso Rodríguez, University of Northern Colorado
Again, thank you, Manuel, for your invaluable and important work. I have shared it with colleagues and they, too, find it most helpful.
Francisco Jiménez
This is very nice. Can you imagine the opportunity of someone to hear these books being read to them while driving or watching a youtube 3 minute clip
about the book or the author and the value of reading it? Books are a hidden treasure that I wish many had access to. I also wish many of the books were
accessible to me to listen to while driving. It could be a new way to get the momentum of interest going that lets you do what you all like to do... read
and educate!
Xochitl Paderes
Wonderful page, Manuel. Had seen it before but not recently.
Juan García, California State University, Fresno
Thanks so much for . . . putting together this great resource.
Alex Sánchez
Ay, compa! Te aventaste! The Visual History is stunning!
Denise Chávez
An invaluable contribution to Chicana/o Literary history and archives by Dr. Manuel M. Martín Rodríguez from UC Merced. A great resource for scholars,
teachers, writers and readers.
Casa Camino Real
Like your project. It is ambitious and provides an important catalog of significant Latinx literature. Am surprise that three of my award winning novelas
are not included.
Robert Haro
Excelente proyecto!
Santiago Vaquera-Vásquez, University of New Mexico
Manuel's Herculean Efforts Paying off in Spades and for Eternity!
Frederick L. Aldama, Ohio State University
So much effort and collection on that page! Wow!
Lale Stefkova, University of California, Santa Barbara
¡Qué super obra lograste! Mil gracias Manuel! Fabulous! Magnificent, incredible, superb!
Juan Felipe Herrera, U.S. Poet Laureate, Emeritus
Felicidades, mi muy estimado Manuel. Muy lindo tu trabajo.
Rafael Jesús González
Que milagro! por haber hecho esto mereces un premio Nobel!!!
Iván Argüelles
This is so very cool!!!!
Ashley Pérez, Ohio State University
I have found your website most useful to be sure.
Armando Arias, California State University, Monterey Bay
Excelente trabajo.
T. Jaime Chahin, Texas State University
Marisa Belausteguigoitia Rius, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México
What a powerful work! It is stunning, bro. And the impact it'll have on studies. I'm already looking at when "children's/adolescent" lit was introduced.
I'm talking material specifically published with a younger market in mind, versus texts that have been adopted into the younger market (HOUSE ON MANGO STREET,
René Saldaña, Jr.
Qué belleza!!! Te felicito y le dará a la comunidad chicana un buen pie y respaldo para su historia cultural, visual. Ojalá circule mucho!!
Beatriz González-Stephan, Rice University
Felicidades Manuel! This is absolutely amazing! I can't wait to start browsing!
Yolanda Padilla, University of Washington, Bothell
Mis felicitaciones por este bello y muy útil proyecto. Será un gran instrumento para investigación y clases
Juan Poblete, University of California, Santa Cruz
Wow! Your Visual History of Chicano/a/x Literature, covering the period from 1610 to 2020 is most impressive and highly useful, and the Homepage is very
attractive. I cannot thank you enough for creating such a wonderful resource for the study and enjoyment of Chicano/a/x literature. If it's not too much
trouble, could you please let me know how you were able to get images for the Persian publication of The Circuit? I have not been able to get copies
of the two books. In fact, I had not seen the book covers until you included them in your Visual History of Chicano/a/x Literature! So, THANK YOU, AGAIN
Francisco Jiménez, Santa Clara University
Congratulations on a mighty work.
Armando Rendón, Somos en escrito Magazine
Manuel, what an amazing amount of research you've done that will put you at the forefront of chicanistas!
Gloria L. Velásquez, Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo
Manuel: A fine job you’ve done here—very impressive all the covers.
Alejandro Murguía, San Francisco Poet Laureate, Emeritus
Excelente trabajo el de la Historia Visual de la Literatura Chicana. Me encantó.
Jimena Rodríguez, University of California, Los Angeles
Thank you for the wonderful project!
Iris Ruiz, University of California, Merced
I commend your awesome undertaking. A very valuable tool for scholars and readers alike. Thanks for all your effort.
Jesús Salvador Treviño, Latinopia
Thank for this stunning visual collection.
Adela Najarro, Cabrillo College
Gracias por compartir la página de la historia visual de la literatura chicana, y gracias por continuar trabajando arduamente desde la intersección del
español y los estudios chicanx. Soy un admirador de su labor.
José Juan Gómez-Becerra, Eastern Kentucky University
I just wanted to compliment your Visual History of Chicano/A/X Literature. It is a great resource and I think it would make a wonderful poster!
Deborah Sierra, Silver City Public Library (Silver City, New Mexico)
I do hope that you can reopen [this site]. It is an excellent educational site, both critical and creative.
Carolina Núñez Puente, Rutgers University
Me sabe mal que no siga el proyecto de la Historia Visual de la Literatura Chicana porque me es muy interesante y de ayuda para mi trabajo de investigación
sobre los 'picturebooks' de autores chicanos, en los que lo visual tiene una importancia fundamental. Así que desde aquí, mi apoyo para la reapertura del
Marina Bernardo Flórez, Universitat de Barcelona (Spain)
I am so disappointed [with the closure]. It is such an important cultural and academic resource. So many people do not have access to the covers of these books because
several of them are extremely rare and only available in a few special collections nationwide. This is a marginalized literature that deserves to be
recognized and accessible. I hope a brave institution will see what a honor it is to host this. You worked tirelessly.
Beth Hernandez-Jason, University of California, Santa Cruz
I LOVED your project.
Susana L. Gallardo, San Jose State University
I am very sorry to hear [about the closing of] your excellent Visual History of Chicano/a/x Literature. It's a great loss to students and teachers, including
myself. I hope that in its deliberations, the University will reconsider. Regardless of the outcome, I want to thank you for your outstanding and valuable
work you have done and continue to do.
Francisco Jiménez, Santa Clara University
I'm so sorry to hear about the site having to close down. I hope it can get up and running again soon as it is such a tremendously valuable resource.
Phillip Serrato, San Diego State University
Good luck with getting your great visual archive back online!
Bill Fisher, San Antonio, TX
Again, thank you for your innovative project. . . . Hopefully, you will find a welcoming home for your work.
María Teresa Márquez, Librarian (Emerita), University of New Mexico
This is awesome!
Octavio Quintanilla, San Antonio, TX.
Gracias por tu muy útil último envío---tu extraordinario proyecto. Enhorabuena, congratulations, mazel tov.
Tino Villanueva, Boston, MA.
Thank you for sending me this wonderful historical collection of the Visual History of Chicano/a/x literature. You may want to include essays, articles and
stories published in magazines, journals, and international literary magazines. I congratulate you on such a sweeping collection. Next time, I revise my
essay on Chicano Literature for Oxford University Press, I'll be sure to mention your site.
Rafael C. Castillo, Editor in Chief, CTN Publications, New Haven, CT.
Enhorabuena, querido Manuel. Un proyecto increíble y que va ayudar mucho a todos los que nos interesa la cultura y literatura chicana. Ánimo con este
ambicioso trabajo!
Julio Cañero, Universidad de Alcalá de Henares (Spain).
Excelente! I'm happy que este muy valuable resource ya está de regreso.
Santiago Vaquera-Vásquez, University of New Mexico
Good to hear from you and know that you are still working hard to promote our heritage and culture!
Joseph P. Sánchez, Director, Spanish Colonial Research Center, Albuquerque, NM.
Thank you for keeping this project going, Manuel!
Kathleen Alcalá
Thank you for forwarding the information on [this] magnificent project. It is a superb contribution to Chicana/o literary studies.
Exceptional visuals and amazing historical details. Thank you for this wonderful project you have diligently worked on.
María Herrera-Sobek, University of California, Santa Barbara.
This is incredible, thank you for sharing Dr. Martín-Rodríguez
Jaime Barajas-Hernández, CA
Good to see this up and running again. Outstanding literary resource.
Charles Mariano, CA.
Gracias y felicitaciones por seguir con el proyecto.
Juan Villegas, University of California, Irvine
Congratulations. Am very pleased with your efforts and success.
Teresa Márquez, University of New Mexico.
You cannot imagine how glad and appreciative I am that you have made your invaluable Visual History of Chicano/a/x Literature
available to the public once again. Thank you and congratulations!
Francisco Jiménez, Santa Clara University.
The site is so wonderful! Thank you for updating and keeping track of our work in this way. the Visual History of Chicano/a/x is a treasure. I shared your
website on my Instagram and Twitter yesterday and got a lot of comments about how cool it is! Thank you for all you do to support Chicano literature.
Kali Fajardo-Anstine.
Felicidades on the new site. Looks great!
Paul Espinosa, filmmaker.
I love this, Manuel! How very cool!!
Xelena González, TX.
Thanx a lot for he updates!! Visual history helps me a lot with my classes – chapeau bas.
Ewa Antoszek, Maria Curie-Sklodowska University (Poland), 2021.
Muchísimas gracias por compartir la página digital sobre la literatura chicana que ha construido. Es una gran contribución a los estudios chicanos. Ya he
compartido la página con mis colegas y será de gran ayuda en nuestro programa.
Roberto de Anda, Portland State University, 2021.
Thank you for adding new and highly valuable features to your website on Chicano/a/x literature and scholarship. Your work is fenomenal!
Francisco Jiménez, 2021
This project is amazing! Just dropping a line of thanks. Any chance too of getting my novel, BANG, up there? Was published by Arte Publico in 2018. Would be
grateful to be included in this stellar project.
Daniel Peña, 2021
I think I’m probably late in finding your site, but I’m thrilled to find it. I’m a literary agent and you’ve got some of my
clients beautifully represented. Thank you. . . . Beautiful work!
Stuart Bernstein, 2021.
Great job of listing and graphically displaying the books by Latino authors. You captured all of my books. Just as teaser, my new novel, The Trailing
Ghost will be out later this year. When it comes out I will send you a copy.
Roberto Haro, 2021.
I just came across your website. It’s brilliant! It is such a pleasure to see the covers of all these books — it really gives one
a sense of a Chicano/a/x aesthetic. Thank you for doing this.
Paula M. L. Moya, Stanford University, 2021.
I LOVE your project. It's so cool seeing all those books together.
Michelle Keil, author, 2021.
Enhorabuena por la magnífica labor que estás llevando a cabo. Es impagable el esfuerzo y la riqueza del repositorio que estás creando.
Carme Manuel, Universitat de València, 2021.
Regresé a casa ayer por la noche e inmediatamente me fui a mi biblioteca. Me ha fascinado tu trabajo casi enciclopédico sobre literatura chicana.
Aqui te mando fotos de portadas y fechas de publicación de lo que encontré ayer en mis estanterías.
Annick Tréguer, Université de La Sorbonne Nouvelle (France), 2021
What a great resource!
Norma Elia Cantú, Trinity University, 2021.
THIS IS PHENOMENAL!!! Thank you Manuel!!!
Ruth Quiroa, National Louis University, 2021.
Manuel, cuánto tiempo le ha tomado hacer esto? Qué gran trabajo!
Carolina Alonso, Fort Lewis College, 2021.
Wow, Manuel thank you for all your work and for sharing this project with us.
Diana Riviera, 2021.
Felicidades! This is a wonderful work. So glad to know you.
AP González, filmmaker, 2021.
Gracias, Dr Martin-Rodriguez for your hard work over the years. This is a wonderful resource. And it is so good to have this list available! I will let my
colleagues and my former Childrens Lit students know.
Carmen Tafolla, author, 2021.
WOW! I am so impressed with the new Children's and Young Adult sections! -What an amazing resource. I will absolutely share it with others. Thank you so
much for sharing your work with us!
Denise Dávila, University of Texas at Austin, 2021.
Wow!! This is amazing and *tremendously* helpful, Manuel.
Phillip Serrato, San Diego State University, 2021.
Wonderful, Manuel! Gracias por todo este esfuerzo a favor de nuestros-as niños-as! Me he quedado sin palabras! A veces no nos damos cuenta de todo lo que se ha escrito para nuesros pequeñitos y
adolescentes, y para todos nosotros/nosotras que seguimos siendo niños y niñas de corazón! Gracias, gracias, gracias...
Lucha Corpi, escritora, 2021.
Felicidades por la página de la historia visual de la literatura infantil y juvenil. Está fabulosa.
Duncan Tonatiuh, escritor e ilustrador, 2021.
This is fantastic news, Manuel! Thanks so much for sharing and for including our book on your list! (We will have another one in January of 2022: Where Wonder Grows ). I got a little
emotional scrolling through the images--this is a beautiful project! I hope to include a link to it when I finally launch my website--a very slow labor of love. Will definitely share the good news
in many spaces :)
Xelena González, author, 2021.
Estuve mirando por arriba el sitio y ¡es estupendo! Felicitaciones, Manuel, por semejante (e insoslayable) iniciativa.
José Luis de Diego, Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata (Argentina), 2021.
Wow. Unique and incredible work. Thank you.
Gabriella Gutiérrez y Muhs, Seattle University, 2021.
Impresionante trabajo.
Herlinda Ramírez-Barradas, Purdue University Northwest, 2022.
Increible trabajo! Bravo!
Kenya C. Dworkin, Carnegie Mellon University, 2022.
Your website is such a wonderful resource for so many of us.
Isabel Millán, University of Oregon, 2022.
Thank you for this phenomenal resource . . . This is important and as a Chicana author, I thank you
Alex Temblador, Author, 2022.
You are doing a massive & important cultural work for our artists, scholars & writers who have largely been overlooked by the mainstream media.
All my best le deseo mucho exito!
Fernando Esteban Flores, Author, 2023.
I came across your A Visual History of Chicano/a/x Literature and was floored by the amount of content available. Thank you so much for putting this
together! What an excellent listing of resources to cherish and share.
Alex Salinas, Author, 2023.
Simply wanted to express my gratitude for this visual history!
Amanda Ellis, University of Houston, 2023.
Thank you so much for the brilliant contribution you are making to Chicano/a and Latino/a literature. It is truly an amazing collection of literary works
you are highlighting and making known to our communities. Congratulations on this spectacular achievement!!
María Herrera-Sobek, University of California, Santa Barbara, 2023
Felicidades, Manuel; una maravilla
Montse Feu, Sam Houston State University, 2023.
Dear Manuel, Congrats and keep up the great work!
Jesús Salvador Treviño, filmmaker and author, 2023.
Such a great project and so many titles! Congratulations.
P. Scott Brown, bookseller and book history scholar, 2023.
Your outstanding work continues to go forward with grace, patience and good communication. Gracias.
Mia Kirsi Stageberg, 2023.
¡Qué emoción ver la portada [de Loreley Tentáculos de fuego, 2023] dentro de la página que tanta luz brindó a mi investigación!.
Paola Ugalde, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, 2023.
I want to thank you for your amazing website. I’ve been perusing the titles and authors and I’m blown away by how much you have done in your research and
documenting of Chicano/a literature. I’m honored to be included among my mentors and friends of Macondo and CALMA. My sister, Aimee Medina Carr recommended
you as a resource for my research of Chicano/a authors. I’m amassing a personal library of writers and didn’t realize how many there are since 1610. I’m
collecting modern Chicano/a writers in my library, but I’d love to read more from the past that I’ve never read. Your website will be extremely helpful.
Juliana Aragón Fatula, author, 2024.
This is fantastic!!! I love all your work and congratulate you. Your work is a tremendous addition to literature art and culture. Te felicito!
Denise Chávez, 2024.
Tremendo trabajo, muy loable, el tuyo. Adelante.
Tino Villanueva, 2024.
José Antonio Gurpegui, Universidad de Alcalá de Henares, 2024.
Congratulations on your achievement in compiling the Latina/a/x literary publications and everything else you’ve done. It’s important and timely work. I
wish you continued success.
Vito de la Cruz, 2024.
Juan Villegas, University of California, Irvine, 2024.
Thank you for sending me an update on the fabulous work you are doing with Chicano/a and Latino/a books. Your work is truly amazing!! It is a great
contribution to these studies. Truly magnificent work and an incredible resource for scholars. Thank you for the hours of work you spend daily curating this
María Herrera-Sobek, University of California, Santa Bárbara, 2024.
Felicidades. Una inversion de tiempo muy comprometida.
Jaime T. Chahin, Texas State University, 2024.
Amazing progress and very much needed catalog of Chicano literature! Gracias por este esfuerzo.
Rubén Rangel, 2024.
Extraordinario trabajo Manuel, felicidades.
Montse Feu, Sam Houston State University, 2024.
Tremendo trabajo el que haces, gracias por mandarlo.
Martín Camps, University of the Pacific, 2024.
Great job, congratulations!
Eduardo Urbina, Texas A&M University, 2024.
Wow, Manuel, this beautiful project just keeps getting more powerful! The year pages are such moving testaments to the creative power of gentee!!
María Meléndez Kelson, 2024.
Me encanta todo lo que has hecho y sigo usando el sitio web para mi clase de Transborder Chicana/o literature en ASU. Para el proyecto #1, los estudiantes
escogen una década y tres portadas de libro que les llaman la atención. Luego, pueden crear un volante, escribir un ensayo, hacer una serie de social media
posts, o un video sobre las tres portadas para discutir los libros y su significado. Es muy divertido y a los estudiantes les gusta mucho
Vanessa Fonseca-Chávez, Arizona State University, 2024.
MIL GRACIAS POR EL TRABAJAZO, MANUEL! A los que vivimos "aquí", nos viene suuuuper bien!
Amaia Ibarraran, Universidad del País Vasco, 2024.
Visítenla, es la colección más completa de imágenes y datos bibliográficos de letras chicanas de Estados Unidos (y más allá). Un honor haber sido incluido,
estamos agradecidos con el Dr. Martín Rodríguez, una autoridad en la disciplina con estudios, ensayos y colecciones sobre las letras en español y chicanas
del Suroeste norteamericano que datan desde el año 1610 hasta hoy, bilingüe y en constante actualización... impresionante!..Lee y comparte!
Manuel Murrieta Saldívar, California State University, Stanislaus, 2024.
I will try to spread the word about your important website, “A Visual History of Chicano/a/x Literature,” which is very impressive. Kudos again for all of the hours of hard work you
spent identifying, assembling, collating, and inputting these titles for scholars, for the general public, and for posterity. Keep up your wonderful work.
Anthony Macías, University of California, Riverside, 2024.