EE 589/689 Foundations of computer vision (Fall quarter 2006): project 3
Project 3 consists of reviewing a research paper. You can either choose one paper from the list below or suggest to me a paper yourselves. The only condition is that it should be on a different topic from your project 2. If possible, send me your review as a PDF file (using as email subject [EE539] Project 3); a handwritten review is also ok.
Your review should be 2-3 typed pages long and contain the following:
- A summary of the paper (1-2 pages long). You don't have to describe everything in the paper, use your judgement to select the important parts.
- Your evaluation of the paper. Here are some suggestions for questions to ask (not all may apply): What are the assumptions of the method? Are mathematical or algorithmical issues addressed rigorously (convergence, local optima, computational cost, etc.)? How is the optimisation carried out? Is the empirical evaluation fair and conclusive (competing methods are often presented at a disadvantage)? Is the method suitable for practical application (does it work with large images/large databases/real time/noisy images/clutter/occlusion/etc.), possibly with small modifications?
Deadline: Monday Dec. 11, 2006.
The list of papers, classified by type:
Hough transforms and RANSAC:
Motion segmentation:
Graph-theoretical clustering:
Mean-shift clustering:
EM segmentation:
Detection (skin, faces, etc.):
Object recognition:
Miguel A. Carreira-Perpinan
Last modified: Sat Nov 11 19:13:32 PST 2006
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