EE 589/689 Foundations of computer vision (Fall quarter 2006): project 2

Project 2 can be done in groups of up to two. By Wednesday Nov. 15, 2006, each group should either choose one of the following projects, or suggest me a different project:

No matter what method you choose, evaluate its performance under different parameter values (things like the number of clusters/components, affinity function and width, thresholds, etc.), different feature spaces (intensity/colour/position...), different noise levels, etc. as they may apply, and also try a few different images.

Before starting to work on the project (and also as you progress with it), discuss it with me to make sure you submit something which is neither too little nor too much effort.

Once you have finished the project, email me:

Deadline: Monday Dec. 11, 2006.

Miguel A. Carreira-Perpinan
Last modified: Wed Nov 8 19:27:57 PST 2006

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