CSE150 Operating Systems (Spring semester 2008): Linux usage basics

The following exercises are intended to get you acquainted, by way of examples, with using Linux from the shell's command line: pipes (|), redirection (<,>,<<,>>,1>,2>, etc.), foreground/background processes (&), wildcards (*,?), signals, etc. Open a single terminal window and then avoid running things from menus, use just the command line in that window. You will find the following commands useful (to find out about usage, syntax and parameters from the manual pages for, say grep, type man grep):

For the questions below, I suggest you open a separate terminal window (xterm &) and run top there showing only your own processes while you work on another terminal window. That way you can see how processes created in the latter appear in top.

Miguel A. Carreira-Perpinan
Last modified: Wed Feb 13 18:04:49 PST 2008

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