From time to time, data sets used in class will be made available here. Here is a csv spreadsheet of Peabody Picture Vocabulary Scores used in class on 9/1/2020. Here is the full (N=1296) abridged Statlab data set introduced in class on 9/8/2020, and here is its codebook. Here is a csv spreadsheet of Jack's personal Statlab sample collected in class on September 10. Here is a csv spreadsheet of the Anscombe data used in class on 10/29 to illustrate the importance of assessing linearity. Here is a csv spreadsheet of the arsenic data set needed for Homework Five. Here is the multiple regression data set with perfectly uncorrelated predictors used in class on 11/3. Here is the Big Five data set used in class on 11/3. Here is the math practice ANOVA example introduced in class on 11/5. Here is the Eysenck ANOVA example used in class on 11/12 (and introduced in your textbook). Here is the two-way math practice ANOVA example introduced in class on 12/1. Here is the two-way Eysenck ANOVA example used in class on 12/11 (and introduced in your textbook).