Welcome to ENGR 130: Thermodynamics!
Gerardo Diaz
Office # 382
Science & Engineering building
Teaching assistant:
Sandra Villamizar
Topics that will be covered:
Introductory concepts and definitions.
Work, energy, transfer of energy by heat, energy balance, first law, analysis of cycles.
Properties: p-v-T relations, tables, compressibility chart, ideal gas model, internal energy, enthalpy, specific heats, polytropic processes
Control volume analysis, conservation of mass and energy in a CV.
Transient and steady state analysis.
Second law, irreversibilities, maximum performance measures, Carnot cycle.
Entropy, entropy balance, isentropic proceses, isentropic efficiencies, heat transfer and work in internally reversible processes.
Exergy analysis.
Vapor power systems.
Ideal gas mixture and psychrometric applications.
Text: Moran, M.J. and Shapiro, H.N., Fundamentals of Engineering Thermodynamics. John Wiley & Sons Inc., 6th Ed., 2008.
Additional Reference: Sonntag, R.E., Borgnakke, C., and Van Wylen, G.J., Fundamentals of Thermodynamics. John Wiley & Sons Inc., 6th Ed., 2003.
Grades: Final grade is based on homework assignments (20%), 1 project (15%), 1 midterm exam (30%), and 1 final exam (35%)
All the information about the class will be posted on UCMCROPS.